Congratulations to the 2024 CDI Awarded Projects
The Community for Data Integration announces eleven proposals to be supported in FY2024. This year’s request for proposals focused on the themes of advancing open science and implementing the USGS Data Strategy.
Building a roadmap to integrate freshwater wetlands into the National Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory
Sheel Bansal
Beginners Git, GitLab & Software Release Carpentries-like Training for USGS Personnel to Facilitate Open Science
Saira Haider
Making water tracing rock solid: national, geologic map-based visualization of USGS water strontium isotope data
Adam M Hudson
Expansion of the Geophysical Survey (GS) data standard and open-source tools
Stephanie R James
Enhancing ArcGIS Survey123 to improve rangeland and aquatic data collection
Susan K Kemp
SeeOtter: Improving software for AI-assisted processing of imagery for wildlife surveys
Nicole L LaRoche
3DEPPCC: An automated DL-based point cloud classification tool on 3DEP point clouds
Jung-kuan Liu
Low Distortion Map Projections for the Artemis III Candidate Landing Sites
Mark T McClernan
USGS Data in K-12 Education: Inspiring Future Scientists
Emily E Sesno
A National Tool for Graphing and Synthesizing Continuous and Discrete Water-Quality Data
Kimberly H Shaffer
Developing Inter-agency Templates for FAIR genetic data archiving
Amy G Vandergast
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