Spatial Ecology of Freshwater Ecosystems
Water resources, riparian areas, and aquatic organisms are of critical importance in natural resource management. Yet, they are difficult to map, monitor, and understand in a spatially explicit and extensive manner as can be done more easily in terrestrial environments.
We develop techniques for spatial analysis of watersheds, lakes, rivers, and stream networks, and we study the interactions between the surrounding landscape, local habitat, and management as they affect aquatic biota. We also develop classification and monitoring techniques for tracking status and trends and for linking aquatic communities with the mechanisms that influence their distribution and abundance. Our studies examine a wide range of aquatic and riparian organisms in environments ranging from high-elevation streams and lakes to forested headwaters and mainstem rivers.
Featured Studies
- Influence of Landscape Pattern and Composition on Species in Forested Ecosystems in Western Oregon
- Longitudinal Patterns of Fish Assemblage Structure, Stream Habitat, and Water Temperature in the Lower Crooked River, Oregon
- Primer for Identifying Cold-water Thermal Refugia for the Protection and Restoration of Habitat for Native Salmonids
- Multivariate Classification of Hydrologic Landscapes for Paired Watershed Studies in Headwater Catchments
- Linking Hydrogeology and Aquatic Communities for Ecological Monitoring of Wadeable Mountain Streams
- Developing a Multivariate Tool for Classifying Aquatic Ecosystems and Predicting Zooplankton and Water Quality Response to Climate Change in Lakes and Ponds of Mount Rainier National Park
- Multi-layered Interdisciplinary Mapping of Riverscapes in the Pacific Northwest
- Linkages between Spring Chinook Habitat Quality and Spawning Sites in the Yakima River
- Predicting the Spread of Invasive Exotic Plants into De-Watered Reservoirs following Dam Removal on the Elwha River, Olympic National Park, WA
- Spatial Models for Connecting Landscapes to Fish Diversity in Alaska
- Variability in Cutthroat Trout Abundance Relative to Habitat Characteristics in Headwater Catchments
- Integrating Future Climate Change and Riparian Land-Use to Forecast the Effects of Stream Warming on Species Invasions and Their Impacts on Native Salmonids
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Aquatic & Landscape Ecology Research Team (FRESC)
Below are publications associated with this project.
Simulated juvenile salmon growth and phenology respond to altered thermal regimes and stream network shape
Spatial variability of Chinook salmon spawning distribution and habitat preferences
Spatially intensive sampling by electrofishing for assessing longitudinal discontinuities in fish distribution in a headwater stream
Polymorphic mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in a coastal riverscape: size class assemblages, distribution, and habitat associations
Multiscale analysis of river networks using the R package linbin
Hydrologic response to valley-scale structure in alpine headwaters
Applications of spatial statistical network models to stream data
Network analysis reveals multiscale controls on streamwater chemistry
Aquatic insect assemblages associated with subalpine stream segment types in relict glaciated headwaters
Spatial consistency of chinook salmon redd distribution within and among years in the Cowlitz River, Washington
Modelling dendritic ecological networks in space: anintegrated network perspective
Thermal infrared remote sensing of water temperature in riverine landscapes
Water resources, riparian areas, and aquatic organisms are of critical importance in natural resource management. Yet, they are difficult to map, monitor, and understand in a spatially explicit and extensive manner as can be done more easily in terrestrial environments.
We develop techniques for spatial analysis of watersheds, lakes, rivers, and stream networks, and we study the interactions between the surrounding landscape, local habitat, and management as they affect aquatic biota. We also develop classification and monitoring techniques for tracking status and trends and for linking aquatic communities with the mechanisms that influence their distribution and abundance. Our studies examine a wide range of aquatic and riparian organisms in environments ranging from high-elevation streams and lakes to forested headwaters and mainstem rivers.
Featured Studies
- Influence of Landscape Pattern and Composition on Species in Forested Ecosystems in Western Oregon
- Longitudinal Patterns of Fish Assemblage Structure, Stream Habitat, and Water Temperature in the Lower Crooked River, Oregon
- Primer for Identifying Cold-water Thermal Refugia for the Protection and Restoration of Habitat for Native Salmonids
- Multivariate Classification of Hydrologic Landscapes for Paired Watershed Studies in Headwater Catchments
- Linking Hydrogeology and Aquatic Communities for Ecological Monitoring of Wadeable Mountain Streams
- Developing a Multivariate Tool for Classifying Aquatic Ecosystems and Predicting Zooplankton and Water Quality Response to Climate Change in Lakes and Ponds of Mount Rainier National Park
- Multi-layered Interdisciplinary Mapping of Riverscapes in the Pacific Northwest
- Linkages between Spring Chinook Habitat Quality and Spawning Sites in the Yakima River
- Predicting the Spread of Invasive Exotic Plants into De-Watered Reservoirs following Dam Removal on the Elwha River, Olympic National Park, WA
- Spatial Models for Connecting Landscapes to Fish Diversity in Alaska
- Variability in Cutthroat Trout Abundance Relative to Habitat Characteristics in Headwater Catchments
- Integrating Future Climate Change and Riparian Land-Use to Forecast the Effects of Stream Warming on Species Invasions and Their Impacts on Native Salmonids
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Aquatic & Landscape Ecology Research Team (FRESC)
Below are publications associated with this project.