Dr. Ernest Valdez (USGS-FORT) and collaborators have spearheaded and co-organized three bat workshops for Tribal nations from the Southwest and Pacific Northwest regions
From recent collaborations with the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society, Dr. Valdez and his team were presented with a science need for additional training on bat acoustic monitoring. To address this, they are developing the Native American Acoustic Bat Monitoring Webinar Series.
On May 2, 2024, from 3:00–5:00pm ET, Oregon State University and USGS-FORT, in collaboration with the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society, will provide the first in this series of free webinars related to acoustic bat monitoring for Tribal biologists across the United States. The first webinar, entitled “Acoustic Bat Monitoring, Spring Series,” will cover a variety of topics that include: Defining goals and objectives, basics of echolocation, detector types and equipment, monitoring methods (active or passive), site selection, detector placement (various scenarios), and data management.
The second and third webinars, “Bat Acoustic Data Processing and Eastern Species Call Characteristics” and “Bat Acoustic Data Processing and Western Species Call Characteristics,” will be held on October 30 and 31, 2024, respectively. Both webinars will cover topics that include: Data management, data quality control, call analysis software, call processing, species call characteristics, manual review (goals and objectives), and manual review (tips and best practices).
All webinars will be hosted by the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society, with registration done directly through the website. All three workshops in the webinar series were developed in collaboration with Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Park Service, Oregon State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. For additional information please contact Dr. Ernest Valdez at ernie@usgs.gov.
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