NORM Byproducts of Energy Resources
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) is found in waste produced during the extraction of uranium, phosphate, rare earth elements (REE), coal, oil and gas resources. The focus of this effort is to understand the potential for byproduct recovery of U-235 and Th-232, the fissionable isotopes used to generate nuclear energy from wastes produced during energy resource development. The NORM lab is being prepared to measure uranium-235 (and radium-226), thorium-232 isotopes in solids using a gamma spectrometer. Specific emphasis on developing a method to deconvolute the U-235 and Ra-226 peaks in solids, which occur at similar energies. Standard Operating Procedures are being written to meet QMS requirements.
Below are other science projects associated with this project task.
Geochemistry of Energy Fuels Project
Geochemistry of Energy Fuels Task
Molecular Fingerprinting of Energy Materials
Byproducts of Energy Fuels
Microbial Methanogenesis and Strategies for Enhancements
Maps of Energy Occurrence
Trace Elements in Energy Fuels
Controls on Unconventional Oil and Gas Production
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) is found in waste produced during the extraction of uranium, phosphate, rare earth elements (REE), coal, oil and gas resources. The focus of this effort is to understand the potential for byproduct recovery of U-235 and Th-232, the fissionable isotopes used to generate nuclear energy from wastes produced during energy resource development. The NORM lab is being prepared to measure uranium-235 (and radium-226), thorium-232 isotopes in solids using a gamma spectrometer. Specific emphasis on developing a method to deconvolute the U-235 and Ra-226 peaks in solids, which occur at similar energies. Standard Operating Procedures are being written to meet QMS requirements.
Below are other science projects associated with this project task.