GLSC Contributes to Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM)
The Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS) sponsors this as to bring together a wealth of subject matter experts for educational opportunities and to solve complex environmental issues.
Scientists from GLSC attended and presented at the Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan, May 14-20, 2022. “The Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM) will be the world’s largest gathering of aquatic scientists, students, practitioners, resource agency staff, and industry representatives in history. JASM’s parent organization, The Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS), is comprised of 9 groups representing various interests within the aquatic science realm. The JASM 2022 meeting is designed to bring together deep, multidisciplinary subject-matter expertise to collaboratively educate one another and solve the complex environmental problems facing our society and our planet today.”
GLSC’s contributions included the following:
- Ackiss, A.S. Larson, W.A., Stott W. 2022. Tackling the ‘Coregonine Problem’: Using Genomics to Elucidate Cisco Species Relationships in the Great Lakes & Lake Nipigon. Oral presentation.
- Adams, J.V., Jones, M.L. 2022. Warming Increases Recruitment of Great Lakes Sea Lampreys, but Eradication Still Possible. Virtual Oral Presentation.
- Amanda Ackiss co-chaired two symposia: a one-day session entitled “Reviewing cisco taxonomy in the Great Lakes & Lake Nipigon” and a two-day session entitled “Genetic applications in conservation and restoration biology.”
- Amidon, Z., R.L. DeBruyne, E.F. Roseman, C.M. Mayer, A.L. Sakas. 2022. Lake whitefish larval zooplankton consumption in varying prey densities in western Lake Erie. Oral presentation.
- Annis, G. M., M. E. Herbert, S. R. Kyriakakis, A. Verdeja-Perez, P. Kohn, J. A. Ross, E. S. Rutherford, D. B. Bunnell, N. W. Boucher, Y.-C. Kao, and E. F. Roseman. 2022. Mapping priority spawning and nursery habitat for Cisco and Lake Whitefish. Oral presentation.
- Arnold, A.J., Pecoraro, S.P., Wright, C. S., and P. C. Esselman. 2022. High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter Mapping of Legacy Mine Tailings and Fish Spawning Habitat on Buffalo Reef, Lake Superior. Poster presentation.
- Backenstose, N.J.C., D.J. MacGuigan, D. Yule, W. Stott, T.J. Krabbenhoft. 2022. Population genomic structure of Great Lakes ciscoes (Coregonus spp.) using low-coverage whole genome sequencing. Oral presentation.
- Bickford, W. A., K. P. Kowalski, D. S. Snow, and J. F. White. 2022. Altering the plant-soil-microbial interface: Can we induce dieback conditions to control invasive Phragmites? Oral presentation.
- Bozimowski, A. A., K. P. Kowalski, K. G. Sharp, M. Dailey, and P. Seelbach. 2022. Developing machine learning models to analyze sonar data collected in a Great Lakes coastal wetland. Oral presentation.
- Brenton, B. D., E. S. Rutherford, D. M. Mason, Y.-C. Kao, H. Zhang, A. L. Whitten, and K. A. Rose. Analysis of invasive carp recruitment dynamics and food web effects using a coupled model framework. Oral presentation.
- Brown, T.A., L.G. Rudstam, B.C. Weidel, A.S. Ackiss, A.J. Ropp, M.A. Chalupnicki, J.E. McKenna, Jr, and S.A. Sethi. Distributions of sympatric cisco and lake whitefish larvae in Lake Ontario embayments. Oral presentation.
- Bunnell, D.B., Z. Amidon, T.A. Brown, P. Collingsworth, R.L. DeBruyne, J.C. Hoffman, E.F. Roseman, E. Rutherford, M.G. Tomczak, and B.C. Weidel. 2022. How larval fish sampling addresses CSMI priorities on lakes Michigan, Huron, and Ontario. Oral presentation.
- Chiotti, J.A., A. Mettler, A. Briggs, J. Boase, R.L. DeBruyne, E.F. Roseman, and R. Drouin. 2022. Identifying and Characterizing Juvenile Lake Sturgeon Occupancy Hot Spots in the St. Clair-Detroit River System. Virtual oral presentation.
- DeBruyne, R.L., S. Provo, S. Ireland, E.R. Olds, N.M. Hudak, J.M. Watkins, D. Gorsky, and E.F. Roseman. 2022. Southern Lake Erie Nearshore Provide Critical Habitat for Larval Fishes. Oral presentation.
- Doll, J.C., J. Bence, E.F. Roseman, D.W. Hondorp, and T.P. O'Brien. 2022. Spatial and Temporal trends of Alewife and Rainbow Smelt Growth and Condition in Lake Huron. Oral presentation.
- Drs. Robin DeBruyne and Ed Roseman serve as session chairs for the symposium titled “Great Lakes Connecting Waters: Research, Monitoring, and Progress.” The duo, along with Dr. Mary Anne Evans and contracted fisheries technician Lauren Eaton, moderated several contributed sessions at the week-long conference.
- Eaton, L., R.L. DeBruyne, S. Ireland, D. Bowser, R.D. Hunter, E.R. Olds, N.M. Hudak, A. Simmons, and E.F. Roseman. 2022. Synthesizing a decade of Lake Sturgeon early life history research in the St. Clair-Detroit River system. Oral presentation.
- Esselman, P.C., C.P. Madenjian, S. Moradi, J. Geisz. 2022. Whole-lake indexing of round goby abundances and habitat in Lake Michigan with an imaging autonomous underwater vehicle. Oral presentation.
- Esselman, P.C., D.M. Warner, L.G. Rudstam, D. Hanson, B. Turschak, T.M. Evans, D.L. Yule, S.A. Sethi, J.M. Watkins, S.A. Farha, T.P. O'Brien, P.M. Dieter, M.R. Dufour, J.J. Roberts, K. McDonnell, S.E. Wells, S.R. Koproski, D.F. Clapp, J.D. Swain, A.R. Barnard. 2022. Early successes of a multi-agency study to quantify and correct for biases in acoustic fish abundance estimates in the Great Lakes. Oral presentation.
- Esselman, P.C., R.M. Strach, J. Hortness. 2022. Operationalizing the Great Lakes Science Plan: A role for "Collective Impact”? Oral presentation.
- Evans, M.A., P. Esselman, and K. Przybyla-Kelly. 2022. Nuisance Benthic Algae Biomass Assessment by Traditional and Automated Techniques. Oral presentation.
- Evans, T.M., D.M. Warner, L.G. Rudstam, S.A. Sethi, D. Hanson, B. Turschak, D.L. Yule, S.A. Farha, T.P. O'Brien, K. McDonnell, J.M. Watkins, M.R. Dufour, A.R. Barnard, S.E. Wells, S.R. Koproski, P.M. Dieter, E. Kocher, J.J. Roberts, J.D. Swain, P.C. Esselman. 2022. Saildrone acoustics surveys provide insight into vessel avoidance by fishes. Oral presentation.
- Geisz, J., P.C. Esselman, P. Wernette. 2022. Large-scale prediction of nearshore substrates in Lake Michigan from LiDAR bathymetry using machine learning. Oral presentation.
- Geisz, J., P.C. Esselman, S. Moradi, N.J. Yeager. 2022. Using deep learning to differentiate toxic stamp sands from native sands along the Keweenaw Peninsula. Poster presentation.
- Gorman, O.T., Lyons, J.F., Ackiss, A.S., Ropp, A.J., Kao, Y. Renauer, R., Pratt, T. 2022. Morphologic and genetic variation among Lake Superior ciscoes. Virtual Oral Presentation.
- Hart, B., M. Sayers, R. Shuchman, P.C. Esselman, R. Sawtell, S. Ruberg, A. Vander Woude, K. Bosse. 2022. New underwater hyperspectral radiometer observations for improved shallow water remote sensing in the Great Lakes. Oral presentation.
- Hilling, C.D., J. Boase, J.A. Chiotti, R.L. DeBruyne, R. Drouin, C.M. Mayer, J.T. Tyson, T. Wills, and E.F. Roseman. How Well are We Measuring Fishery Responses to Habitat Restoration in the St. Clair-Detroit River System? Virtual oral presentation.
- Hudak, N., C.D. Hilling, J.L. Fischer, J.E. Ross, T.R. Tucker, R.L. DeBruyne, C.M. Mayer, and E.F. Roseman. 2022. Nearshore Fish Species Richness and Species-Habitat Relations in the St. Clair-Detroit River System. Poster presentation.
- Johnson, N.S., Bravener, G., Neave, F., Morrison, B., Lewandoski, S, Criger, L., Hrodey, P., Jubar, A., Sullivan, T., Symbal, M., Tews. J., Brenden, T., Jones, M., Robinson, J., Scribner, K., Siefkes, M. Deploy and evaluate sea lamprey control tools to supplement lampricide and barriers. Oral presentation.
- Kao, Y.-C., D. B. Bunnell, R. L. Eshenroder, O. T. Gorman, R. E. Renauer-Bova, and D. N. Murray. Understanding historical distributions of Cisco in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Oral presentation.
- Kao, Y.-C., H. Zhang, A. L. Whitten, S. N. Brannon, D. M. Mason, and E. S. Rutherford. Fishing out bigheaded carps in the upper Illinois River, the leading edge of their invasion front. Oral presentation.
- Keeler, K.M., C.P. Madenjian, L.T. Grivicich, P.E. Haver, R.R. Gordon, D.E. Tillitt, J. Rinchard. 2022. Rearing and Results: Egg Hatchability and Egg Thiamine Concentrations in Lake Trout from the Northern Refuge of Lake Michigan. Poster Presentation.
- Kowalski, K. P., J. F. White, W. A. Bickford, K. Clay, and S. N. Tank. 2022. Aligning research efforts through the Collaborative for Microbial Symbiosis and Phragmites Management. Oral presentation.
- Krabbenhoft T.J., N.J.C. Backenstose, K. Eaton, M. Bernal, D.L. Yule, W. Stott, A. Ackiss, L. Evrard, T. Dowling. 2022. Species delimitation in Great Lakes ciscoes (Salmonidae:Coregonus:Leucichthys). Oral presentation.
- Kraus, R. T., et al. This year, obviously. Collaborative research at the intersection of water quality modeling and fisheries science directly informs management efforts in Lake Erie. Oral presentation.
- Kurt Kowalski co-led a symposium titled “Invasive species collaboratives: Tackling invasive species problems through coordinated action”
- Mary Anne Evans co-chaired a symposium titled “Collaborative Solutions in Response to Harmful Algal Blooms”
- Mayer, C.M., J.M. Bossenbroek, R.L. DeBruyne, M. Myers, E.F. Roseman, T. Sasak, and B.A. Schmidt. 2022. Swimming Upstream: the Importance of River Connectivity to Western Lake Erie’s Fish. Oral presentation.
- McLaughlin, R., Adams, J.V., Almeida, P.R., Barber, J., Burkett, D.P., Docker, M.F., Johnson, N.S., Moser, M.L., Muir, A.M., Pereira, D.L., Siefkes, M.J., Steeves, T.B., Wilkie, M.P. 2022. Key Challenges Common to the Conservation and Control of Lampreys. Virtual Oral Presentation.
- Molina-Moctezuma, A., R.L. DeBruyne, R. Gay, C. Heiser, K. Kapuscinski, A. Moerke, E.F. Roseman, and S.F.K. VanDrunen. Characterizing drift dynamics out of Lake Superior to help determine fish production in the main rapids of the St. Marys River. Oral presentation.
- Moradi, S., P.C. Esselman, J. Geisz. 2022. Large-scale assessment of benthic algae spatiotemporal variation enabled by deep learning on autonomously collected imagery. Poster presentation.
- Oh, D-H, K. P. Kowalski, Q. N. Quach, C. Wijesinghege, P. Tanford, M. Dassanayake, and K. Clay. 2022. What does the Phragmites australis genome tell us about its invasiveness? Oral presentation (recorded only)
- Olds, E.R., M.G. Tomczak, B.A. Schmidt, R.L. DeBruyne, D. Bowser, J.L. Fischer, G.W. Kennedy, N.R. King, C.M. Mayer, E.F. Roseman, and N.M. Hudak. 2022. Egg Mat Collection and Retention Biases for Lithophilic Spawning Fishes. Poster presentation.
- Pecoraro, S.P., Arnold, A.J., Geisz, J., and P. C. Esselman. 2022. High-Resolution Mapping of Spawning Reefs to Support Conservation in Northern Lake Michigan. Oral presentation.
- Przybyla-Kelly, K., M. Byappanahalli, A. Spoljaric, D. Shively, C. Morris, K. Klymus, and A. Aunins. Application of eDNA in population assessment of native and nonnative species in Great Lakes waterways. Oral presentation.
- Roseman, E.F., T. Yang, C.M. Mayer, R.L. DeBruyne, and M.R. Dufour. 2022. Diets of Age-0 Walleye Reflection of Food Web Changes in Western Lake Erie. Oral presentation.
- Ruberg, S. K. Beadle, S.A. Constant, A.K. Elgin, P.C. Esselman, D. Mason, H. Henderson, J. Hibbard, D. Malak, L. Marshall, R. Miller, R. Muzzi, H. Purcell, L. Mendoza. 2022. Winter observations using cabled observatories and autonomous systems. Oral presentation.
- Sard, N., Robinson, J., Miehls, S., Scribner, K. 2022. Identification of sea lamprey natal origins in the Great Lakes via close-kin mark recapture. Oral presentation.
- Tank, S. N., T. R. Tucker, P. M. Canniff, T. M. Gruninger, E. S. Jensen, and K. P. Kowalski. 2022. A Collective Impact approach to Phragmites management. Oral presentation.
- Tucker, T. R., S. N. Tank, P. M. Canniff, T. M. Gruninger, C. E. Dumoulin, C. T. Bargeron, E. S. Jensen, C. T. Moore, and K. P. Kowalski. 2022. Collaborative-driven development of a successful Phragmites adaptive management program. Oral presentation.
- VanDrunen, S.F.K., M.R. Dufour, E.F. Roseman, R.L DeBruyne, A. Moerke, H.F. Harrington, T.J. Calappi, B.S. Gerig, and K. McDonnell. 2022. St. Marys River Larval Fish Response to Water Discharge in the Main Rapids. Oral presentation.
- Wardell, J.M., P.C. Esselman, C.M. Riseng, A.K. Elgin, M.D. Rowe. 2022. Predicting Dreissena spp. Presence and biomass as a function of Lake Huron environmental characteristics. Poster presentation.
- Widin, S. L., W. A. Bickford, and K. P. Kowalski. 2022. Phragmites australis management during high-water levels in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Oral presentation.
- Yeager, N.J., P.C. Esselman, K. Schulz, S. Moradi, J. Geisz. 2022. A microcosm experiment of round goby catch efficiency using down-looking still imaging. Poster presentation.
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