Louisiana Public Awareness, Hydrologic Studies, and Hydrologic Data
Louisiana Public Awareness, Hydrologic Studies, and Hydrologic Data
Public Awareness
Brazelton, S.R., and Callender, L.E., 2000, East Baton Rouge Parish hurricane tracking chart and response tips: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge Parish Public Awareness Report 2000-1, 1 sheet.
Callender, L.E., McCallum, B.E., Brazelton, S.R., Anderson, M.L., and Ensminger, P.A., 1998, Flood tracking chart, Amite River basin, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-649 (revised 1998), 1 sheet.
Demas, C.R., Brazelton, S.R., and Powell, N.J., 2002, The Atchafalaya Basin--river of trees: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-021-02, 2 p.
Louisiana Highway Evacuation Plan
Tomaszewski, D.J., Lovelace, J.K., and Ensminger, P.A., 2002, Water withdrawals and trends in ground-water levels and stream discharge in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 68, 30 p.
Hydrologic Studies
PLEASE BE AWARE that the older reports are created by scanning an original hard copy. The scanned files tend to be much larger than more recent reports that were produced electronically, so these older reports may take significantly longer to download.
Bieber, P.P., and Forbes, M.J., Jr., 1966, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1965: Department of Conservation, Louisiana Geological Survey, and Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Pamphlet no. 20, 8 p.
Brantly, J.A., Seanor, R.C., and McCoy, K.L., 2002, Louisiana ground-water map no. 13: Hydrogeology and potentiometric surface, October 1996, of the Sparta aquifer in northern Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4053, 3 sheets.
Bryan, B.W., Bryan, C.F., Lovelace, J.K., and Tollett, R.W., 2007, Effects of hardened low-water crossings on periphyton and water quality in selected streams at the Fort Polk Military Reservation, Louisiana, 1998�99 and 2003�04: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007�5279, 36 p.
Calandro, A.J., 1967, Rainfall-runoff relations for southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 2a, 61 p.
Calandro, A.J., 1973, An analysis of stream temperatures in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 6, 16 p.
Calandro, A.J., 1976, Time of travel of solutes in Mississippi River from the Arkansas-Louisiana State line to Plaquemine, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 12, 5 p.
NOTE: This report includes a separate sheet containing figures 1-7.
Figures 1-7
Calandro, A.J., 1977, Time of travel of solutes in Mississippi River from Belle Chasse to the vicinity of Head of Passes, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 13, 5 p.
NOTE: This report includes a separate sheet containing figures 1-5.
Figures 1-5
Calandro, A.J., 1978, Time of travel of solutes in Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 17, 32 p.
Cardwell, G.T., and Walter, W.H., 1979, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1975: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Special Report no. 2, 15 p.
Collier, A.L., and Sargent, B.P., 2018, Water use in Louisiana, 2015: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 18, 147 p.
Collier, D.L., comp., 2002, Ground-water and related publications of the Louisiana District of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1904-2000: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 14, 182 p.
Covay, K.J., 1985, Ground-water resources of the Rayville-Delhi area, northeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 37, 22 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 3 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (22.3MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3
Covay, K.J., Sturrock, A.M., Jr., and Sasser, D.C., 1992, Water requirements for growing rice in southwestern Louisiana, 1985-86: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 52
Demas, C.R., 1983, Hydrology, water quality, and biology of Baptiste Collette Bayou in relation to the lower Mississippi River at Venice, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 31, 49 p.
Demas, C.R., 1985, A limnological study of Lake Bruin, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 38, 96 p.
Demas, C.R., Brazelton, S.R., and Powell, N.J., 2002, The Atchafalaya Basin--river of trees: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-021-02, 2 p.
Demas, C.R., and Curwick, P.B., 1988, Suspended-sediment and associated chemical transport characteristics of the lower Mississippi River, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 45, 44 p.
NOTE: This report includes a plate.
Plate 1
Demas, C.R., Demcheck, D.K., Anderson, M.L., and Garon, J.D., 1999, National Water Quality Assessment program—Acadian-Pontchartrain study unit: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-185-99, 4 p.
Demcheck, D.K., and Leone, H.L., Jr., 1983, Water quality of the upper Vermilion River, Louisiana, April-August 1980: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 30, 37 p.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Demcheck, D.K., and Skrobialowski, S.C., 2003, Fipronil and degradation products in the rice-producing areas of the Mermentau River Basin, Louisiana, February-September 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-010-03, 6 p.
Demcheck, D.K., and Swarzenski, C.M., 2003, Atrazine in southern Louisiana streams, 1998-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-011-03, 6 p.
Demcheck, D.K., Tollett, R.W., Mize, S.V., Skrobialowski, S.C., Fendick, R.B., Jr., Swarzenski, C.M., and Porter, Stephen, 2004, Water Quality in the Acadian-Pontchartrain Drainages, Louisiana and Mississippi, 1999-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1232,41 p.
Dial, D.C., 1970, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1970: Department of Conservation, Louisiana Geological Survey, and Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Pamphlet no. 26, 10 p.
Dial, D.C., and Kilburn, Chabot, 1980, Ground-water resources of the Gramercy area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 24, 39 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 10 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (47MB).
Dial, D.C., and Sumner, D.M., 1989, Geohydrology and simulated effects of pumpage on the New Orleans aquifer system at New Orleans, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 46, 54 p.
Dial, D.C., and Huff, G.F., 1989, Occurrence of minor elements in ground water in Louisiana including a discussion of three selected sites having elevated concentrations of barium: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 47, 88 p.
Ensminger, P.A., 1998, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Lake Bruin, Louisiana, February and September 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4243, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1998, Floods in Louisiana, magnitude and frequency (5th ed.): Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 60, 333 p. (COMING SOON)
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Black Bayou Reservoir, Louisiana, September and October 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4293, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Caddo Lake, Louisiana and Texas, August and September 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4217, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Cypress Bayou Reservoir, Louisiana, October 1997 and August and September 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4255, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of False River, Louisiana, June and July 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4193, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Indian Creek Reservoir, Louisiana, June 11-18 and September 22, 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4133, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Kincaid Reservoir, Louisiana, June and September 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4194, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Mill Creek Reservoir, Louisiana, May 27-29, 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4109, 1 sheet. (COMING SOON)
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Raccourci Lake, Louisiana, July 1998 and April 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4292, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Smithport Lake, Louisiana, July 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4254, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., and Wright, L.S., 2003, Low-flow characteristics of Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 70, 162 p.
Everett, D.E., 1971, Hydrologic and quality characteristics of the lower Mississippi River: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 5, 48 p.
NOTE: This report includes three plates. Plates 2 and 3 are included in the main report, while plate 1 was scanned seperately.
Plate 1
Everett, D.E., Fayard, L.D., and Wells, F.C., 1973, Water quality and waste assimilative capacity of the Pearl River below Bogalusa, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 7, 28 p.
Fayard, L.D., and Nyman, D.J., 1976, Surface-water resources of the Tangipahoa, Tchefuncta, and Natalbany River basins, southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 11, 49 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 6 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (2.9MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6
Fendick, R.B., Jr., and Tollett, R.W., 2004, Quality of water from shallow wells in urban residential and light commercial areas in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, 2001 through 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4118, 68 p.
Fendick, R.B., Jr., 2005, Louisiana ground-water map no. 21: Generalized potentiometric surface of the Evangeline aquifer in south-central Louisiana, January-March 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2880, 1 plate.
Fendick, R.B., Jr., 2007, Louisiana ground-water map no. 22: Generalized potentiometric surface of the Amite aquifer and the �2,800-foot� sand of the Baton Rouge area in southeastern Louisiana, June�August 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2984, 1 sheet.
Forbes, M.J., Jr., 1980, Low-flow characteristics of Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 22, 95 p.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Frederick, C.P., 2003, Water quality characteristics of urban storm runoff at selected sites in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, February 1998 through April 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4212, 24 p.
Garrison, C.R., and Covay, K.J., 1994, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana-- Sabine River basin, 1952-85: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55A, 63 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1997, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Red River basin, 1943-94: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55B, 136 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1997, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Ouachita River basin, 1908-94: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55C, 96 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1998, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Tensas River basin, 1943-93: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55D, 76 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1997, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Calcasieu-Mermentau River basin, 1943-95: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55E, 78 p.
Garrison, C.R., 2001, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana-- Atchafalaya-Teche-Vermilion basin, 1944-95: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55F, 141 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1999, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana-- Lake Pontchartrain-Lake Maurepas basin, 1943-95: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55G, 100 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1998, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Pearl River basin, 1943-95: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55J, 50 p.
Gilbert, J.J., and Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Estimation of pier scour and channel stability for highway crossings of the Red River in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report 67A, 64 p.
Gilbert, J.J., and Ensminger, P.A. 1999, Estimation of scour and channel stability for selected highway crossings of rivers in the Florida Parishes, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 67B, 86 p.
Gilbert, J.J., and Green, E.J., 2003, Estimation of scour and channel stability for selected highway crossings of streams in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 67C, 114 p.
Griffith, J.M., 2003, Hydrogeologic framework of southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 72, 21 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 18 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (109MB).
Griffith, J.M., and Lovelace, J.K., 2003, Louisiana ground-water map no. 15: Potentiometric surface of the "1,200-foot" sand of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, spring 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4020, 2 sheets.
Griffith, J.M., and Lovelace, J.K., 2003, Louisiana ground-water map no. 16: Potentiometric surface of the "1,500-foot" sand of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, spring 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4021, 2 sheets.
Griffith, J.M., 2007, Fluoride concentrations in freshwater aquifers in Louisiana, 1931-2006: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 77, 18 p.
Griffith, J.M., and Fendick, R.B., 2009, Water resources of Ascension Parish: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3063, 4 p.
Griffith, J.M., 2009, Water resources of St. Tammany Parish: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3064, 6 p.
Griffith, J.M., 2009, Water resources of Rapides Parish: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3056, 6 p.
Grimsley, K.J., and D’Arconte, P.J., 2003, Annotated bibliography of water-related information and studies, Acadian-Pontchartrain Study Unit, Louisiana, 1863-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report no. 03-9, 249 p.
Halford, K.J., and Lovelace, J.K., 1994, Analysis of ground-water flow in the "1,200-foot" aquifer, Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 54, 68 p.
Halford, K.J., Benton, O.L., and Demcheck, D.K., 1995, Movement and fate of fecal-coliform bacteria through a shallow aquifer system in southeastern Louisiana, 1991: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 82, 52 p.
Hays, P.D., Nottmeier A.M., Fendick, R.B., Jr., Daugherty, W.J., and Carter, K., 2023, Hydrogeologic Framework of the Red River Alluvial Aquifer and Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in Northwestern Louisiana, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 56, 46 p.
Huntzinger, T.L, Whiteman, C.D., Jr., and Knochenmus, D.D., 1985, Simulation of ground-water movement in the "1,500- and 1,700-foot" aquifer of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 34, 52 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 10 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (117MB).
Johnson-Thibaut, P.M., Demcheck, D.K., Swarzenski, C.M., and Ensminger, P.A., 1998, Water use and quality of fresh surface-water resources in the Barataria-Terrebonne Basins, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-632, 47 p., 1 pl.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Kuniansky, E.L., Dial, D.C., and Trudeau, D.A., 1989, Maps of the "400-foot," "600-foot," and adjacent aquifers and confining beds, Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 48, 16 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 28 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (140MB).
Kuniansky, E.L., 1989, Geohydrology and simulation of ground-water flow in the "400-foot," "600-foot," and adjacent aquifers, Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 49, 90 p.
NOTE: This report includes 7 plates.
Plates 1-7
Lee, F.N., 1969, Rainfall-runoff relations for southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 2c, 91 p.
Lee, F.N., 1969, Evaporation study at Sharp Station pond near Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 4, 13 p.
Lee, F.N., 1985, Analysis of the low-flow characteristics of streams in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 35, 41 p.
Lee, F.N., 1985, Floods in Louisiana, magnitude and frequency (4th ed.): Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 36, 30 p.
Lee, F.N., and White, R.K., 1987, Evaluation of technique for measuring streamflow and for estimating flow characteristics of streams in the Mississippi River Delta, prairies, and coastal marshes of Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 40, 72 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 2 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (3.5MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2
Lovelace, J.K., 1991, Water use in Louisiana, 1990: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 6, 131 p.
Lovelace, J.K., 1994, Water Requirements for Crawfish Farming at Selected Sites in South-Central Louisiana, 1992-1994: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 8, 12 p.
Lovelace, J.K., and Lovelace, W.M., 1995, Hydrogeologic unit nomenclature and computer codes for aquifers and confining units in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 9, 12 p.
Lovelace, J.K., and Johnson, P.M., 1996, Water use in Louisiana, 1995: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 11, 127 p.
Lovelace, J.K., 1998, Distribution of saltwater in the Chicot aquifer system in the Calcasieu Parish area, Louisiana, 1995-96: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 62, 59 p.
Lovelace, J.K., 1999, Distribution of saltwater in the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana, 1995-96: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 66, 61 p.
Lovelace, J.K., Frederick, C.P., Fontenot, J.W., and Naanes, M.S., 2001, Louisiana ground-water map no. 12: Potentiometric surface of the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana, June 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4128, 1 sheet.
Lovelace, J.K., Fontenot, J.W., and Frederick, C.P., 2002, Louisiana ground-water map no. 14: Potentiometric surface, January 2001, and water-level changes, June 2000 to January 2001, of the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4088, 2 sheets.
Lovelace, J.K., Fontenot, J.W., and Frederick, C.P., 2004: Withdrawals, water levels, and specific conductance in the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana, 2000-03: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5212, 56 p.
Lovelace, J.K., 2007, Chloride concentrations in ground water in East and West Baton Rouge Parishes, Louisiana, 2004�05: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007�5069, 27 p.
Lowe, A.S., 1980, Flood depth-frequency relations for Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 23, 14 p.
Lurry, D.L., 1987, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1985: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Special Report no. 4., 14 p.
Lurry, D.L., Covay, K.J., Hirschboeck, K.K., and Bolourchi, Z., 1990, National Water Summary 1987 - Hydrologic Events and Water Supply and Use: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2350, p. 275-282.
Martens, L.A., and others, 1974, Time of travel of solutes in Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 9, 1 sheet.
NOTE: This report includes one sheet.
Sheet 1
Martien, R.F., 1978, Water-quality characteristics of the Red River in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 16, 32 p.
McGee, B.D., and Demcheck, D.K., 1995, Occurrence and estimation of trace elements in bottom material for selected streams in coastal Louisiana, 1991-92: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 57, 49 p.
McGee, B.D., 1997, Occurrence of nitrate in the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer in Louisiana, June through December 1993: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 61, 21 p.
McGee, B.D., 2001, Bathymetric survey of Cross Lake, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, April through June 1996: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4063, 1 sheet.
McGee, B.D., 2003, Water-Quality and Bottom-Material Characteristics of Cross Lake, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, 1997-99: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4135, 101 p.
McGee, B.D., 2003, Pesticides and oil and grease in selected streams and lakes in northeastern Louisiana, 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 03-386, 25 p.
McGee, B.D., Goree, B.B., Tollett, R.W., Woodward, B.K., and Kress, W.H., 2006, Hurricane Rita surge data, southwestern Louisiana and southeastern Texas, September to November 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Data Report 220.
McGee, B.D., Tollett, R.W., Mason, R.R., Jr., 2006, Monitoring Inland Storm Surge and Flooding from Hurricane Rita: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3136, 4 p.
McGee, B.D., Goree, B.B., Tollett, R.W., and Mason, R.R., Jr., 2008, Monitoring inland storm surge and flooding from Hurricane Gustav in Louisiana, September 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008�1373
McWreath, H.C., III, Nelson, J.D., and Fitzpatrick, D.J., 1991, Simulated response to pumping stresses in the Sparta aquifer, northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 51, 51 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 13 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (97MB).
Nyman, D.J., and Fayard, L.D., 1978, Ground-water resources of Tangipahoa and St. Tammany Parishes, southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 15, 76 p.
Nyman, D.J., 1984, The occurrence of high concentrations of chloride in the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 33, 75 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 7 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (59MB).
Nyman, D.J., 1989, Quality of water in freshwater aquifers in southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 42, 22 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes a set of plates and a separate table which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (14.1 MB).
Plates 1-28 Table 2
Nyman, D.J., Halford, K.J., and Martin, Angel, Jr., 1990, Geohydrology and simulation of flow in the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 50, 58 p.
Page, L.V., 1963, Water-supply characteristics of Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 1, 109 p.
Prakken, L.B., and Griffith, J.M., 2000, Analysis of geophysical log data from the Fort Polk Military Reservation, Vernon Parish, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4111, 50 p.
Prakken, L.B., 2001, Hydrogeologic framework and potentiometric surface of the Williamson Creek aquifer "B" sand in the Fort Polk area, Vernon Parish, Louisiana, March 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4064, 2 sheets
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 2 sheets which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (29.9MB).
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
Prakken, L.B., 2003, Quality of water used for domestic supply in the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana, 1994-2001: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 71, 48 p.
Prakken, L.B., 2004, Louisiana ground-water map no. 17: Generalized potentiometric surface of the Kentwood aquifer system and the "1,500-foot" and "1,700-foot" sands of the Baton Rouge area in southeastern Louisiana, March-April 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2862, 2 sheets.
Prakken, L.B., 2007, Chloride concentrations in the Southern Hills aquifer system in Livingston, Southern Tangipahoa, and St. Tammany Parishes, Louisiana, 2005: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 76, 30 p.
Prakken, L.B., and Wright, L.S., 2009, Water withdrawals and trends in ground-water levels and stream discharge in Louisiana, 1996-2005: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 79, 49 p.
Prakken, L.B., 2009, Groundwater resources in the New Orleans area, 2008: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 80, 36 p.
Rapp, T.R., 1996, Ground-water resources of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, 1992: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 58, 89 p.
Rogers, J.E., 1981, Water resources of the Kisatchie well-field area near Alexandria, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 26, 57 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 6 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (3.9MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6
Rollo, J.R., 1962, Ground-water in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 70-278, 8 p.
Ryals, G.N., 1982, Ground-water resources of the Arcadia-Minden area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 28, 35 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 3 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (3.9MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3
Sanford, T.H., Jr., 1973, Water resources of the Ruston area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 8, 32 p.
Sargent, B.P., and McGee, B.D., 1998, Occurrence of nitrate and selected water-quality data, Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana, July 1994 through January 1996: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 64, 53 p.
Sargent, B.P., 2002, Water use in Louisiana, 2000: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 15, 133 p.
Sargent, B.P., Frederick, C.P., Roberts, F.C., 2004, Shallow sands and thickness data for the Chicot aquifer system surficial confining unit, southwestern Louisiana, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Basic Records Report no. 22, 111 p.
Sargent, B.P., 2004, Thickness of the Chicot aquifer system surficial confining unit and location of shallow sands, southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 73, 29 p.
Sargent, B.P., 2007, Water use in Louisiana, 2005: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 16, 133 p.
Sargent, B.P., 2011, Water use in Louisiana, 2010: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 17, 135 p.
Sauer, V.B., 1967, Unit hydrographs for southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 2b, 51 p.
Sauer, V.B., 1969, Unit hydrographs for southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 2d, 56 p.
Sauer, V.B., 1970, Rainfall-runoff-hydrograph relations for northern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 3, 33 p.
Seanor, R.C., and Kress, W.H., 2004, Water levels and water quality in the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer, Franklin parish, Louisiana, 2000-02: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 74, 23 p.
NOTE: This report includes two plates.
Plate 1
Plate 2
Skrobialowski, S.C., 2002, Trace elements and organic compounds in bed sediment from selected streams in southern Louisiana, 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4089, 39 p.
Skrobialowski, S.C., Mize, S.V., and Demcheck, D.K., 2004, Environmental setting, water quality, and ecological indicators of surface-water quality in the Mermentau River Basin, southwestern Louisiana, 1998-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4185, 73 p.
Smoot, C.W., and Fendick, R.B., Jr., 1998, Hydrogeology and water resources of the Alexandria area, Rapides Parish, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 63, 36 p., 1 pl.
NOTE: This report includes a plate.
Plate 1
Snider, J.L., and Forbes, M.J., Jr., 1961, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1960: Louisiana Department of Public Works, Department of Conservation, and Louisiana Geological Survey, 6 p.
Snider, J.L., and Sanford, T.H., Jr., 1981, Water resources of the terrace aquifer, central Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 25, 48 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 18 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (135MB).
Snider, J.L., 1982, Premining hydrology of the lignite area in southeastern De Soto Parish, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 29, 40 p.
Snider, J.L., 1983, Ground-water resources of the Fillmore-Haughton-Red Chute area, Bossier and Webster Parishes, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 32, 21 p.
Snider, J.L., and Covay, K.J., 1987, Premining hydrology of the Logansport lignite area, De Soto Parish, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 41, 65 p.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Swarzenski, C.M., 2003, Resurvey of quality of surface water and bottom material of the Barataria Preserve, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Louisiana, 1999-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4038, 28 p.
Swarzenski, C.M., 2003, Surface-Water Hydrology of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in South-Central Louisiana, 1996-99: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1672, 51 p.
Swarzenski, C.M., Mize, S.V., Thompson, B.A., and Peterson, G.W., 2004, Fish and aquatic invertebrate communities in waterways, and contaminants in fish, at the Barataria Preserve of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Louisiana, 1999–2000: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5065, 35 p.
Tollett, R.W., and Fendick, R.B., Jr., 2004, Quality of water from shallow wells in the rice-growing area in southwestern Louisiana, 1999 through 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4050, 44 p.
Tollett, R.W., Fendick, R.B., Jr., and Simmons, L.B., 2003, Quality of water in domestic wells in the Chicot and Chicot equivalent aquifer systems in southern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi, 2000-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4122, 85 p.
Tollett, R.W., and Seanor, R.C., 2011, Quality of water in domestic wells in the Wilcox aquifer in northeastern Louisiana and east-central Texas, December 2003-September 2004: Louisiana Department of transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 81, 84 p
Tomaszewski, D.J., 1988, Ground-water hydrology of Livingston, St. Helena, and parts of Ascension and Tangipahoa Parishes, southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 43, 54 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., 1996, Distribution and movement of saltwater in aquifers in the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, 1990-92: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 59, 44 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., 1998, Hydrogeology and the effects of pumpage on the "1,500-foot" sand south of the Baton Rouge fault, near Brusly, Louisiana, 1996: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 65, 22 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., Lovelace, J.K., and Ensminger, P.A., 2002, Water withdrawals and trends in ground-water levels and stream discharge in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 68, 30 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., 2003, Ground-water resources along the lower Mississippi River, southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 69, 23 p.
NOTE: This report includes 4 plates and a separate figure which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (55.2MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4
Figure 3
Tomaszewski, D.J., 2009, Ground-water resources in Rapides Parish, Louisiana, 2005: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 78, 54 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., Lovelace, J.K., and Griffith, J.M., 2009, Water resources of Ouachita Parish: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3086, 6 p.
Torak, L.J., and Whiteman, C.D., Jr., 1982, Applications of digital modeling for evaluating the ground-water resources of the "2,000-foot" sand of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 27, 87 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 8 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (3.9MB).
Trudeau, D.A., and Buono, Anthony, 1985, Projected effects of proposed increased pumpage on water levels and salinity in the Sparta aquifer near West Monroe, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 39, 70 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 9 plates which may be viewed below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (22.3MB).
Plates 1-7 Plate 8 Plate 9
Trudeau, D.A., 1994, Geohydrology and the occurrence of selected chemical contaminants at a hazardous-waste disposal site, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, 1984-85: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 53, 54 p.
Walter, W.H., 1982, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1980: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Special Report no. 3, 15 p.
Wells, F.C., and Demas, C.R., 1977, Hydrology and water quality of the Atchafalaya River basin: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 14, 53 p.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Wells, F.C., 1980, Hydrology and water quality of the lower Mississippi River: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 21, 83 p.
Whiteman, C.D., Jr., 1979, Saltwater encroachment in the "600-foot" and "1,500-foot" sands of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, 1966-78, including a discussion of saltwater in other sands: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 19, 49 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 6 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (4.8MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6
Whiteman, C.D., Jr., 1980, Measuring local subsidence with extensometers in the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, 1975-79: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 20, 18 p.
Whitfield, M.S., Jr., 1975, Geohydrology and water quality of the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer, northeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 10, 29 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 8 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (4.4MB).
Whitfield, M.S., Jr., 1980, Chemical character of water in the Red River alluvial aquifer, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 80-1018, 95 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 21 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (28.3MB).
Wright, L.S., and Ensminger, P.A., 2004, Regionalized regression equations for estimating low-flow characteristics for selected Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 75, 32 p.
NOTE: A CD accompanies this report. The content of the CD is available as a zip file.
Hydrologic Data
Ensminger, P.A., and Gilbert, J.J., 1995, Peak-stage data for selected streams in coastal Louisiana, 1905-88: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Basic Records Report no. 20, 50 p. (COMING SOON)
Baumann, Todd, Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Resweber, J.C., Ross, Garron B., Sasser, D.C., Jr., and Walters, D.J., 2004, Water resources data—Louisiana, water year 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-03-1, 970 p.
Baumann, T., Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Ross, G.B., Walters, D.J., and Ward, A.N., 2006, Water resources data--Louisiana, water year 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-05-1, 909 p.
Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Resweber, J.C., Labbe, C.K., and Walters, D.J., 2003, Water resources data—Louisiana, water year 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-02-1, 671 p.
Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Resweber, J.C., Sasser, D.C., Jr., and Walters, D.J., 2001, Water resources data—Louisiana, water year 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-00-1, 563 p.
Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Resweber, J.C., Sasser, D.C., Jr., and Walters, D.J., 2002, Water resources data—Louisiana, water year 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-01-1, 638 p.
McGee, B.D., 2003, Pesticides and Oil and Grease in Selected Streams and Lakes in Northeastern Louisiana, 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 03-386, 20 p.
Shampine, W.J., 1970, Gazetteer of Louisiana lakes and reservoirs: Louisiana Department of Public Works Basic Records Report no. 4, 31 p.
Louisiana Public Awareness, Hydrologic Studies, and Hydrologic Data
Public Awareness
Brazelton, S.R., and Callender, L.E., 2000, East Baton Rouge Parish hurricane tracking chart and response tips: Baton Rouge, Louisiana, East Baton Rouge Parish Public Awareness Report 2000-1, 1 sheet.
Callender, L.E., McCallum, B.E., Brazelton, S.R., Anderson, M.L., and Ensminger, P.A., 1998, Flood tracking chart, Amite River basin, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 96-649 (revised 1998), 1 sheet.
Demas, C.R., Brazelton, S.R., and Powell, N.J., 2002, The Atchafalaya Basin--river of trees: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-021-02, 2 p.
Louisiana Highway Evacuation Plan
Tomaszewski, D.J., Lovelace, J.K., and Ensminger, P.A., 2002, Water withdrawals and trends in ground-water levels and stream discharge in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 68, 30 p.
Hydrologic Studies
PLEASE BE AWARE that the older reports are created by scanning an original hard copy. The scanned files tend to be much larger than more recent reports that were produced electronically, so these older reports may take significantly longer to download.
Bieber, P.P., and Forbes, M.J., Jr., 1966, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1965: Department of Conservation, Louisiana Geological Survey, and Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Pamphlet no. 20, 8 p.
Brantly, J.A., Seanor, R.C., and McCoy, K.L., 2002, Louisiana ground-water map no. 13: Hydrogeology and potentiometric surface, October 1996, of the Sparta aquifer in northern Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4053, 3 sheets.
Bryan, B.W., Bryan, C.F., Lovelace, J.K., and Tollett, R.W., 2007, Effects of hardened low-water crossings on periphyton and water quality in selected streams at the Fort Polk Military Reservation, Louisiana, 1998�99 and 2003�04: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007�5279, 36 p.
Calandro, A.J., 1967, Rainfall-runoff relations for southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 2a, 61 p.
Calandro, A.J., 1973, An analysis of stream temperatures in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 6, 16 p.
Calandro, A.J., 1976, Time of travel of solutes in Mississippi River from the Arkansas-Louisiana State line to Plaquemine, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 12, 5 p.
NOTE: This report includes a separate sheet containing figures 1-7.
Figures 1-7
Calandro, A.J., 1977, Time of travel of solutes in Mississippi River from Belle Chasse to the vicinity of Head of Passes, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 13, 5 p.
NOTE: This report includes a separate sheet containing figures 1-5.
Figures 1-5
Calandro, A.J., 1978, Time of travel of solutes in Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 17, 32 p.
Cardwell, G.T., and Walter, W.H., 1979, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1975: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Special Report no. 2, 15 p.
Collier, A.L., and Sargent, B.P., 2018, Water use in Louisiana, 2015: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 18, 147 p.
Collier, D.L., comp., 2002, Ground-water and related publications of the Louisiana District of the U.S. Geological Survey, 1904-2000: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 14, 182 p.
Covay, K.J., 1985, Ground-water resources of the Rayville-Delhi area, northeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 37, 22 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 3 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (22.3MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3
Covay, K.J., Sturrock, A.M., Jr., and Sasser, D.C., 1992, Water requirements for growing rice in southwestern Louisiana, 1985-86: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 52
Demas, C.R., 1983, Hydrology, water quality, and biology of Baptiste Collette Bayou in relation to the lower Mississippi River at Venice, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 31, 49 p.
Demas, C.R., 1985, A limnological study of Lake Bruin, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 38, 96 p.
Demas, C.R., Brazelton, S.R., and Powell, N.J., 2002, The Atchafalaya Basin--river of trees: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-021-02, 2 p.
Demas, C.R., and Curwick, P.B., 1988, Suspended-sediment and associated chemical transport characteristics of the lower Mississippi River, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 45, 44 p.
NOTE: This report includes a plate.
Plate 1
Demas, C.R., Demcheck, D.K., Anderson, M.L., and Garon, J.D., 1999, National Water Quality Assessment program—Acadian-Pontchartrain study unit: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-185-99, 4 p.
Demcheck, D.K., and Leone, H.L., Jr., 1983, Water quality of the upper Vermilion River, Louisiana, April-August 1980: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 30, 37 p.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Demcheck, D.K., and Skrobialowski, S.C., 2003, Fipronil and degradation products in the rice-producing areas of the Mermentau River Basin, Louisiana, February-September 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-010-03, 6 p.
Demcheck, D.K., and Swarzenski, C.M., 2003, Atrazine in southern Louisiana streams, 1998-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet FS-011-03, 6 p.
Demcheck, D.K., Tollett, R.W., Mize, S.V., Skrobialowski, S.C., Fendick, R.B., Jr., Swarzenski, C.M., and Porter, Stephen, 2004, Water Quality in the Acadian-Pontchartrain Drainages, Louisiana and Mississippi, 1999-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1232,41 p.
Dial, D.C., 1970, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1970: Department of Conservation, Louisiana Geological Survey, and Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Pamphlet no. 26, 10 p.
Dial, D.C., and Kilburn, Chabot, 1980, Ground-water resources of the Gramercy area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 24, 39 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 10 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (47MB).
Dial, D.C., and Sumner, D.M., 1989, Geohydrology and simulated effects of pumpage on the New Orleans aquifer system at New Orleans, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 46, 54 p.
Dial, D.C., and Huff, G.F., 1989, Occurrence of minor elements in ground water in Louisiana including a discussion of three selected sites having elevated concentrations of barium: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 47, 88 p.
Ensminger, P.A., 1998, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Lake Bruin, Louisiana, February and September 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 98-4243, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1998, Floods in Louisiana, magnitude and frequency (5th ed.): Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 60, 333 p. (COMING SOON)
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Black Bayou Reservoir, Louisiana, September and October 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4293, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Caddo Lake, Louisiana and Texas, August and September 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4217, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Cypress Bayou Reservoir, Louisiana, October 1997 and August and September 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4255, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of False River, Louisiana, June and July 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4193, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Indian Creek Reservoir, Louisiana, June 11-18 and September 22, 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4133, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Kincaid Reservoir, Louisiana, June and September 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4194, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Mill Creek Reservoir, Louisiana, May 27-29, 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4109, 1 sheet. (COMING SOON)
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Raccourci Lake, Louisiana, July 1998 and April 1999: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4292, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Bathymetric survey and physical and chemical-related properties of Smithport Lake, Louisiana, July 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 99-4254, 1 sheet.
Ensminger, P.A., and Wright, L.S., 2003, Low-flow characteristics of Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 70, 162 p.
Everett, D.E., 1971, Hydrologic and quality characteristics of the lower Mississippi River: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 5, 48 p.
NOTE: This report includes three plates. Plates 2 and 3 are included in the main report, while plate 1 was scanned seperately.
Plate 1
Everett, D.E., Fayard, L.D., and Wells, F.C., 1973, Water quality and waste assimilative capacity of the Pearl River below Bogalusa, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 7, 28 p.
Fayard, L.D., and Nyman, D.J., 1976, Surface-water resources of the Tangipahoa, Tchefuncta, and Natalbany River basins, southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 11, 49 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 6 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (2.9MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6
Fendick, R.B., Jr., and Tollett, R.W., 2004, Quality of water from shallow wells in urban residential and light commercial areas in Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, 2001 through 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4118, 68 p.
Fendick, R.B., Jr., 2005, Louisiana ground-water map no. 21: Generalized potentiometric surface of the Evangeline aquifer in south-central Louisiana, January-March 2004: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2880, 1 plate.
Fendick, R.B., Jr., 2007, Louisiana ground-water map no. 22: Generalized potentiometric surface of the Amite aquifer and the �2,800-foot� sand of the Baton Rouge area in southeastern Louisiana, June�August 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2984, 1 sheet.
Forbes, M.J., Jr., 1980, Low-flow characteristics of Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 22, 95 p.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Frederick, C.P., 2003, Water quality characteristics of urban storm runoff at selected sites in East Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana, February 1998 through April 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4212, 24 p.
Garrison, C.R., and Covay, K.J., 1994, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana-- Sabine River basin, 1952-85: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55A, 63 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1997, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Red River basin, 1943-94: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55B, 136 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1997, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Ouachita River basin, 1908-94: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55C, 96 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1998, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Tensas River basin, 1943-93: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55D, 76 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1997, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Calcasieu-Mermentau River basin, 1943-95: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55E, 78 p.
Garrison, C.R., 2001, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana-- Atchafalaya-Teche-Vermilion basin, 1944-95: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55F, 141 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1999, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana-- Lake Pontchartrain-Lake Maurepas basin, 1943-95: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55G, 100 p.
Garrison, C.R., 1998, Statistical summary of surface-water quality in Louisiana--Pearl River basin, 1943-95: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 55J, 50 p.
Gilbert, J.J., and Ensminger, P.A., 1999, Estimation of pier scour and channel stability for highway crossings of the Red River in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report 67A, 64 p.
Gilbert, J.J., and Ensminger, P.A. 1999, Estimation of scour and channel stability for selected highway crossings of rivers in the Florida Parishes, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 67B, 86 p.
Gilbert, J.J., and Green, E.J., 2003, Estimation of scour and channel stability for selected highway crossings of streams in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 67C, 114 p.
Griffith, J.M., 2003, Hydrogeologic framework of southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 72, 21 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 18 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (109MB).
Griffith, J.M., and Lovelace, J.K., 2003, Louisiana ground-water map no. 15: Potentiometric surface of the "1,200-foot" sand of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, spring 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4020, 2 sheets.
Griffith, J.M., and Lovelace, J.K., 2003, Louisiana ground-water map no. 16: Potentiometric surface of the "1,500-foot" sand of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, spring 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4021, 2 sheets.
Griffith, J.M., 2007, Fluoride concentrations in freshwater aquifers in Louisiana, 1931-2006: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 77, 18 p.
Griffith, J.M., and Fendick, R.B., 2009, Water resources of Ascension Parish: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3063, 4 p.
Griffith, J.M., 2009, Water resources of St. Tammany Parish: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3064, 6 p.
Griffith, J.M., 2009, Water resources of Rapides Parish: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3056, 6 p.
Grimsley, K.J., and D’Arconte, P.J., 2003, Annotated bibliography of water-related information and studies, Acadian-Pontchartrain Study Unit, Louisiana, 1863-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report no. 03-9, 249 p.
Halford, K.J., and Lovelace, J.K., 1994, Analysis of ground-water flow in the "1,200-foot" aquifer, Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 54, 68 p.
Halford, K.J., Benton, O.L., and Demcheck, D.K., 1995, Movement and fate of fecal-coliform bacteria through a shallow aquifer system in southeastern Louisiana, 1991: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 82, 52 p.
Hays, P.D., Nottmeier A.M., Fendick, R.B., Jr., Daugherty, W.J., and Carter, K., 2023, Hydrogeologic Framework of the Red River Alluvial Aquifer and Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in Northwestern Louisiana, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 56, 46 p.
Huntzinger, T.L, Whiteman, C.D., Jr., and Knochenmus, D.D., 1985, Simulation of ground-water movement in the "1,500- and 1,700-foot" aquifer of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 34, 52 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 10 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (117MB).
Johnson-Thibaut, P.M., Demcheck, D.K., Swarzenski, C.M., and Ensminger, P.A., 1998, Water use and quality of fresh surface-water resources in the Barataria-Terrebonne Basins, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-632, 47 p., 1 pl.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Kuniansky, E.L., Dial, D.C., and Trudeau, D.A., 1989, Maps of the "400-foot," "600-foot," and adjacent aquifers and confining beds, Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 48, 16 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 28 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (140MB).
Kuniansky, E.L., 1989, Geohydrology and simulation of ground-water flow in the "400-foot," "600-foot," and adjacent aquifers, Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 49, 90 p.
NOTE: This report includes 7 plates.
Plates 1-7
Lee, F.N., 1969, Rainfall-runoff relations for southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 2c, 91 p.
Lee, F.N., 1969, Evaporation study at Sharp Station pond near Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 4, 13 p.
Lee, F.N., 1985, Analysis of the low-flow characteristics of streams in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 35, 41 p.
Lee, F.N., 1985, Floods in Louisiana, magnitude and frequency (4th ed.): Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 36, 30 p.
Lee, F.N., and White, R.K., 1987, Evaluation of technique for measuring streamflow and for estimating flow characteristics of streams in the Mississippi River Delta, prairies, and coastal marshes of Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 40, 72 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 2 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (3.5MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2
Lovelace, J.K., 1991, Water use in Louisiana, 1990: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 6, 131 p.
Lovelace, J.K., 1994, Water Requirements for Crawfish Farming at Selected Sites in South-Central Louisiana, 1992-1994: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 8, 12 p.
Lovelace, J.K., and Lovelace, W.M., 1995, Hydrogeologic unit nomenclature and computer codes for aquifers and confining units in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 9, 12 p.
Lovelace, J.K., and Johnson, P.M., 1996, Water use in Louisiana, 1995: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 11, 127 p.
Lovelace, J.K., 1998, Distribution of saltwater in the Chicot aquifer system in the Calcasieu Parish area, Louisiana, 1995-96: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 62, 59 p.
Lovelace, J.K., 1999, Distribution of saltwater in the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana, 1995-96: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 66, 61 p.
Lovelace, J.K., Frederick, C.P., Fontenot, J.W., and Naanes, M.S., 2001, Louisiana ground-water map no. 12: Potentiometric surface of the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana, June 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4128, 1 sheet.
Lovelace, J.K., Fontenot, J.W., and Frederick, C.P., 2002, Louisiana ground-water map no. 14: Potentiometric surface, January 2001, and water-level changes, June 2000 to January 2001, of the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4088, 2 sheets.
Lovelace, J.K., Fontenot, J.W., and Frederick, C.P., 2004: Withdrawals, water levels, and specific conductance in the Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana, 2000-03: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5212, 56 p.
Lovelace, J.K., 2007, Chloride concentrations in ground water in East and West Baton Rouge Parishes, Louisiana, 2004�05: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2007�5069, 27 p.
Lowe, A.S., 1980, Flood depth-frequency relations for Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 23, 14 p.
Lurry, D.L., 1987, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1985: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Special Report no. 4., 14 p.
Lurry, D.L., Covay, K.J., Hirschboeck, K.K., and Bolourchi, Z., 1990, National Water Summary 1987 - Hydrologic Events and Water Supply and Use: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2350, p. 275-282.
Martens, L.A., and others, 1974, Time of travel of solutes in Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 9, 1 sheet.
NOTE: This report includes one sheet.
Sheet 1
Martien, R.F., 1978, Water-quality characteristics of the Red River in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 16, 32 p.
McGee, B.D., and Demcheck, D.K., 1995, Occurrence and estimation of trace elements in bottom material for selected streams in coastal Louisiana, 1991-92: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 57, 49 p.
McGee, B.D., 1997, Occurrence of nitrate in the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer in Louisiana, June through December 1993: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 61, 21 p.
McGee, B.D., 2001, Bathymetric survey of Cross Lake, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, April through June 1996: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4063, 1 sheet.
McGee, B.D., 2003, Water-Quality and Bottom-Material Characteristics of Cross Lake, Caddo Parish, Louisiana, 1997-99: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4135, 101 p.
McGee, B.D., 2003, Pesticides and oil and grease in selected streams and lakes in northeastern Louisiana, 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report no. 03-386, 25 p.
McGee, B.D., Goree, B.B., Tollett, R.W., Woodward, B.K., and Kress, W.H., 2006, Hurricane Rita surge data, southwestern Louisiana and southeastern Texas, September to November 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Data Report 220.
McGee, B.D., Tollett, R.W., Mason, R.R., Jr., 2006, Monitoring Inland Storm Surge and Flooding from Hurricane Rita: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2006-3136, 4 p.
McGee, B.D., Goree, B.B., Tollett, R.W., and Mason, R.R., Jr., 2008, Monitoring inland storm surge and flooding from Hurricane Gustav in Louisiana, September 2008: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008�1373
McWreath, H.C., III, Nelson, J.D., and Fitzpatrick, D.J., 1991, Simulated response to pumping stresses in the Sparta aquifer, northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 51, 51 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 13 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (97MB).
Nyman, D.J., and Fayard, L.D., 1978, Ground-water resources of Tangipahoa and St. Tammany Parishes, southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 15, 76 p.
Nyman, D.J., 1984, The occurrence of high concentrations of chloride in the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 33, 75 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 7 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (59MB).
Nyman, D.J., 1989, Quality of water in freshwater aquifers in southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 42, 22 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes a set of plates and a separate table which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (14.1 MB).
Plates 1-28 Table 2
Nyman, D.J., Halford, K.J., and Martin, Angel, Jr., 1990, Geohydrology and simulation of flow in the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 50, 58 p.
Page, L.V., 1963, Water-supply characteristics of Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 1, 109 p.
Prakken, L.B., and Griffith, J.M., 2000, Analysis of geophysical log data from the Fort Polk Military Reservation, Vernon Parish, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 00-4111, 50 p.
Prakken, L.B., 2001, Hydrogeologic framework and potentiometric surface of the Williamson Creek aquifer "B" sand in the Fort Polk area, Vernon Parish, Louisiana, March 1997: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4064, 2 sheets
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 2 sheets which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (29.9MB).
Sheet 1 Sheet 2
Prakken, L.B., 2003, Quality of water used for domestic supply in the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana, 1994-2001: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 71, 48 p.
Prakken, L.B., 2004, Louisiana ground-water map no. 17: Generalized potentiometric surface of the Kentwood aquifer system and the "1,500-foot" and "1,700-foot" sands of the Baton Rouge area in southeastern Louisiana, March-April 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2862, 2 sheets.
Prakken, L.B., 2007, Chloride concentrations in the Southern Hills aquifer system in Livingston, Southern Tangipahoa, and St. Tammany Parishes, Louisiana, 2005: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 76, 30 p.
Prakken, L.B., and Wright, L.S., 2009, Water withdrawals and trends in ground-water levels and stream discharge in Louisiana, 1996-2005: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 79, 49 p.
Prakken, L.B., 2009, Groundwater resources in the New Orleans area, 2008: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 80, 36 p.
Rapp, T.R., 1996, Ground-water resources of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, 1992: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 58, 89 p.
Rogers, J.E., 1981, Water resources of the Kisatchie well-field area near Alexandria, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 26, 57 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 6 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (3.9MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6
Rollo, J.R., 1962, Ground-water in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 70-278, 8 p.
Ryals, G.N., 1982, Ground-water resources of the Arcadia-Minden area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 28, 35 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 3 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (3.9MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3
Sanford, T.H., Jr., 1973, Water resources of the Ruston area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 8, 32 p.
Sargent, B.P., and McGee, B.D., 1998, Occurrence of nitrate and selected water-quality data, Chicot aquifer system in southwestern Louisiana, July 1994 through January 1996: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 64, 53 p.
Sargent, B.P., 2002, Water use in Louisiana, 2000: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 15, 133 p.
Sargent, B.P., Frederick, C.P., Roberts, F.C., 2004, Shallow sands and thickness data for the Chicot aquifer system surficial confining unit, southwestern Louisiana, Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Basic Records Report no. 22, 111 p.
Sargent, B.P., 2004, Thickness of the Chicot aquifer system surficial confining unit and location of shallow sands, southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 73, 29 p.
Sargent, B.P., 2007, Water use in Louisiana, 2005: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 16, 133 p.
Sargent, B.P., 2011, Water use in Louisiana, 2010: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Special Report no. 17, 135 p.
Sauer, V.B., 1967, Unit hydrographs for southeastern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 2b, 51 p.
Sauer, V.B., 1969, Unit hydrographs for southwestern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 2d, 56 p.
Sauer, V.B., 1970, Rainfall-runoff-hydrograph relations for northern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Technical Report no. 3, 33 p.
Seanor, R.C., and Kress, W.H., 2004, Water levels and water quality in the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer, Franklin parish, Louisiana, 2000-02: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 74, 23 p.
NOTE: This report includes two plates.
Plate 1
Plate 2
Skrobialowski, S.C., 2002, Trace elements and organic compounds in bed sediment from selected streams in southern Louisiana, 1998: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 02-4089, 39 p.
Skrobialowski, S.C., Mize, S.V., and Demcheck, D.K., 2004, Environmental setting, water quality, and ecological indicators of surface-water quality in the Mermentau River Basin, southwestern Louisiana, 1998-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4185, 73 p.
Smoot, C.W., and Fendick, R.B., Jr., 1998, Hydrogeology and water resources of the Alexandria area, Rapides Parish, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 63, 36 p., 1 pl.
NOTE: This report includes a plate.
Plate 1
Snider, J.L., and Forbes, M.J., Jr., 1961, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1960: Louisiana Department of Public Works, Department of Conservation, and Louisiana Geological Survey, 6 p.
Snider, J.L., and Sanford, T.H., Jr., 1981, Water resources of the terrace aquifer, central Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 25, 48 p.
NOTE: This is a large report. It includes 18 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (135MB).
Snider, J.L., 1982, Premining hydrology of the lignite area in southeastern De Soto Parish, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 29, 40 p.
Snider, J.L., 1983, Ground-water resources of the Fillmore-Haughton-Red Chute area, Bossier and Webster Parishes, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 32, 21 p.
Snider, J.L., and Covay, K.J., 1987, Premining hydrology of the Logansport lignite area, De Soto Parish, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 41, 65 p.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Swarzenski, C.M., 2003, Resurvey of quality of surface water and bottom material of the Barataria Preserve, Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Louisiana, 1999-2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4038, 28 p.
Swarzenski, C.M., 2003, Surface-Water Hydrology of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway in South-Central Louisiana, 1996-99: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1672, 51 p.
Swarzenski, C.M., Mize, S.V., Thompson, B.A., and Peterson, G.W., 2004, Fish and aquatic invertebrate communities in waterways, and contaminants in fish, at the Barataria Preserve of Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Louisiana, 1999–2000: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5065, 35 p.
Tollett, R.W., and Fendick, R.B., Jr., 2004, Quality of water from shallow wells in the rice-growing area in southwestern Louisiana, 1999 through 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4050, 44 p.
Tollett, R.W., Fendick, R.B., Jr., and Simmons, L.B., 2003, Quality of water in domestic wells in the Chicot and Chicot equivalent aquifer systems in southern Louisiana and southwestern Mississippi, 2000-2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4122, 85 p.
Tollett, R.W., and Seanor, R.C., 2011, Quality of water in domestic wells in the Wilcox aquifer in northeastern Louisiana and east-central Texas, December 2003-September 2004: Louisiana Department of transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 81, 84 p
Tomaszewski, D.J., 1988, Ground-water hydrology of Livingston, St. Helena, and parts of Ascension and Tangipahoa Parishes, southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 43, 54 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., 1996, Distribution and movement of saltwater in aquifers in the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, 1990-92: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 59, 44 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., 1998, Hydrogeology and the effects of pumpage on the "1,500-foot" sand south of the Baton Rouge fault, near Brusly, Louisiana, 1996: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 65, 22 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., Lovelace, J.K., and Ensminger, P.A., 2002, Water withdrawals and trends in ground-water levels and stream discharge in Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 68, 30 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., 2003, Ground-water resources along the lower Mississippi River, southeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 69, 23 p.
NOTE: This report includes 4 plates and a separate figure which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (55.2MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4
Figure 3
Tomaszewski, D.J., 2009, Ground-water resources in Rapides Parish, Louisiana, 2005: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 78, 54 p.
Tomaszewski, D.J., Lovelace, J.K., and Griffith, J.M., 2009, Water resources of Ouachita Parish: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2009-3086, 6 p.
Torak, L.J., and Whiteman, C.D., Jr., 1982, Applications of digital modeling for evaluating the ground-water resources of the "2,000-foot" sand of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 27, 87 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 8 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (3.9MB).
Trudeau, D.A., and Buono, Anthony, 1985, Projected effects of proposed increased pumpage on water levels and salinity in the Sparta aquifer near West Monroe, Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 39, 70 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 9 plates which may be viewed below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (22.3MB).
Plates 1-7 Plate 8 Plate 9
Trudeau, D.A., 1994, Geohydrology and the occurrence of selected chemical contaminants at a hazardous-waste disposal site, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, 1984-85: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 53, 54 p.
Walter, W.H., 1982, Pumpage of water in Louisiana, 1980: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Special Report no. 3, 15 p.
Wells, F.C., and Demas, C.R., 1977, Hydrology and water quality of the Atchafalaya River basin: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 14, 53 p.
NOTE: This report includes one plate.
Plate 1
Wells, F.C., 1980, Hydrology and water quality of the lower Mississippi River: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 21, 83 p.
Whiteman, C.D., Jr., 1979, Saltwater encroachment in the "600-foot" and "1,500-foot" sands of the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, 1966-78, including a discussion of saltwater in other sands: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 19, 49 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 6 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (4.8MB).
Plate 1 Plate 2 Plate 3 Plate 4 Plate 5 Plate 6
Whiteman, C.D., Jr., 1980, Measuring local subsidence with extensometers in the Baton Rouge area, Louisiana, 1975-79: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Office of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 20, 18 p.
Whitfield, M.S., Jr., 1975, Geohydrology and water quality of the Mississippi River alluvial aquifer, northeastern Louisiana: Louisiana Department of Public Works Water Resources Technical Report no. 10, 29 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 8 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (4.4MB).
Whitfield, M.S., Jr., 1980, Chemical character of water in the Red River alluvial aquifer, Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Open-File Report 80-1018, 95 p.
NOTE: This is a multi-part report. It includes 21 plates which may be viewed individually below, or you can download a .zip file of the entire report (28.3MB).
Wright, L.S., and Ensminger, P.A., 2004, Regionalized regression equations for estimating low-flow characteristics for selected Louisiana streams: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Technical Report no. 75, 32 p.
NOTE: A CD accompanies this report. The content of the CD is available as a zip file.
Hydrologic Data
Ensminger, P.A., and Gilbert, J.J., 1995, Peak-stage data for selected streams in coastal Louisiana, 1905-88: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Water Resources Basic Records Report no. 20, 50 p. (COMING SOON)
Baumann, Todd, Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Resweber, J.C., Ross, Garron B., Sasser, D.C., Jr., and Walters, D.J., 2004, Water resources data—Louisiana, water year 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-03-1, 970 p.
Baumann, T., Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Ross, G.B., Walters, D.J., and Ward, A.N., 2006, Water resources data--Louisiana, water year 2005: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-05-1, 909 p.
Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Resweber, J.C., Labbe, C.K., and Walters, D.J., 2003, Water resources data—Louisiana, water year 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-02-1, 671 p.
Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Resweber, J.C., Sasser, D.C., Jr., and Walters, D.J., 2001, Water resources data—Louisiana, water year 2000: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-00-1, 563 p.
Goree, B.B., Lovelace, W.M., Montgomery, P.A., Resweber, J.C., Sasser, D.C., Jr., and Walters, D.J., 2002, Water resources data—Louisiana, water year 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Data Report LA-01-1, 638 p.
McGee, B.D., 2003, Pesticides and Oil and Grease in Selected Streams and Lakes in Northeastern Louisiana, 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 03-386, 20 p.
Shampine, W.J., 1970, Gazetteer of Louisiana lakes and reservoirs: Louisiana Department of Public Works Basic Records Report no. 4, 31 p.