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December 18, 2023

Join us in welcoming our recently hired staff at the New England Water Science Center.

Dani Diaz staff profile photo
Daniel (Dani) Diaz-Etchevehere, Student Trainee, Hydrology, Massachusetts Office

Dani Diaz was born and raised in the Washington, D.C. area. They received their Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science from University of Rochester in New York. After graduating, Dani worked at The Nature Conservancy in Arlington, Virginia for three years doing digital marketing and web development. They went back to school to pursue a Master of Public Health in Environmental Health Sciences at University of Maryland, College Park. Dani's interest in marine science and data visualization led them to internships at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the MIT Media Lab, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and the Chesapeake Bay Trust.
Jackson Ehmett staff profile photo
Jackson Ehmett, Student Trainee, Hydrology, Massachusetts Office

Jackson started his career in the field of information technology, in which he achieved an associate’s degree. Now, he is currently finishing his bachelor’s degree in environmental science from the University of New Hampshire (UNH). At UNH, Jackson worked in the ecohydrology lab where he helped graduate students maintain long-term research projects on forest interactions with water and drought. Through his studies and work, he hopes to better understand the many relationships people have with the Earth and its resources. He moonlights as a houseplant caretaker, technology enthusiast, and an avid observer of nature. 

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