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Join us in welcoming our recently hired staff at the New England Water Science Center.

Madeleine Holland
Madeleine Holland, Hydrologist, Integrated Modeling Section

Madeleine grew up in northwestern Connecticut and received her BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Connecticut in 2018. Upon graduation, Madeleine moved to Tucson, Arizona, to explore the West and earn her MS in Hydrometeorology from the University of Arizona, where she studied snowpack drivers over the continental United States. After graduating in 2020, Madeleine worked as a Physical Climate Risk Research Assistant at the Woodwell Climate Research Center in Falmouth, Massachusetts. The New England Water Science Center welcomed her in January 2022 as a Hydrologist in the Integrated Modeling Section. She is excited to dive into the world of groundwater modeling and study the region that she calls home. Madeleine has visited over twenty national parks, and her passion is hiking in the White Mountains with her dog Duncan.
Katrina Rossos
Katrina Rossos, Information Specialist, Office of the Director

Katrina earned an MS in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation from the University of Florida in 2021 as a member of the USGS Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Her studies focused on water-related environments and included marine, estuarine, and wetland ecology, management, and restoration. In 2009, Katrina received a BA in English and Film Studies, with a concentration in Biology, from Tulane University. A professional writer for more than 12 years, she has a breadth of communications experience in journalism, marketing, public relations, grant writing, and social media. Her writing has been featured in Backpacker Magazine, U.S. News and World Report, Fish and Wildlife News, Pharmacy Times, Oceana, The Dodo, and more. In addition to crafting and editing written communications, Katrina is also skilled in multimedia and knowledgeable of video, photography, and graphic design. She loves to do anything outdoors—particularly at the beach or in the mountains—and enjoys kayaking, hiking, swimming, birding, and snowboarding.
Amanda Tudor
Amanda Tudor, Hydrologist, Hydrology and Hydraulics Section

Amanda was hired as a Hydrologist for the New England Water Science Center in the Maine office. Brought on by the Recent Graduate Program, Amanda obtained an MS in Earth Science from the University of Minnesota in 2020 and additionally holds a BS in Marine Science from the University of Florida. Most recently, Amanda joins us from New Orleans, Louisiana, where she worked as a civilian for the Naval Oceanographic Office conducting and analyzing bathymetric surveys. She additionally has worked in fisheries and aquatic resource management for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Center for Aquatic Technology Transfer as well as interned at the St. Johns River Water Management District performing hydrologic studies. Amanda is excited to explore New England and looks forward to a long career with the USGS! 

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