2019 Geophysical surveys and instrumented tripod deployment in and around Astoria Canyon
Geophysical data collected and instrumented tripods deployed in and around Astoria Canyon offshore of the Washington/Oregon border in 2019, a USGS-University of Washington partnership
These surveys are part of the USGS project, “Cascadia Subduction Zone Marine Geohazards.”
Examine the processes associated with sediment storage and remobilization in and around Astoria Canyon to understand the processes that lead to turbidity flows.
USGS Scientists: Jenna Hill (Principal Investigator), Maureen Walton, Alicia Balster-Gee, and Gerry Hatcher; UW Scientist: Andrea Ogston (Principal Investigator); UW Students: Evan Lahr and Anna Boyar (Photo 3)
University of Washington
Platform Used
University of Washington’s R/V Rachel Carson (Photo 4)
Data Collected
Sparker multi-channel seismic (MCS), Chirp sub-bottom profiler (Photo 1)
Instruments Deployed
Upward and downward looking acoustic dopper current profilers (ADCPs), acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV), acoustic suspended sediment profiler, turbidity sensors, transmissometers, conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD), photologger (Photos 2 and 5)
- Detailed imaging of the upper Astoria canyon system and numerous slope failures
- Captured time series of oceanographic conditions at the head of Astoria Canyon
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Geophysical data collected and instrumented tripods deployed in and around Astoria Canyon offshore of the Washington/Oregon border in 2019, a USGS-University of Washington partnership
These surveys are part of the USGS project, “Cascadia Subduction Zone Marine Geohazards.”
Examine the processes associated with sediment storage and remobilization in and around Astoria Canyon to understand the processes that lead to turbidity flows.
USGS Scientists: Jenna Hill (Principal Investigator), Maureen Walton, Alicia Balster-Gee, and Gerry Hatcher; UW Scientist: Andrea Ogston (Principal Investigator); UW Students: Evan Lahr and Anna Boyar (Photo 3)
University of Washington
Platform Used
University of Washington’s R/V Rachel Carson (Photo 4)
Data Collected
Sparker multi-channel seismic (MCS), Chirp sub-bottom profiler (Photo 1)
Instruments Deployed
Upward and downward looking acoustic dopper current profilers (ADCPs), acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV), acoustic suspended sediment profiler, turbidity sensors, transmissometers, conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD), photologger (Photos 2 and 5)
- Detailed imaging of the upper Astoria canyon system and numerous slope failures
- Captured time series of oceanographic conditions at the head of Astoria Canyon