Surface-water monitoring sites Albemarle-Pamlico drainage basin
National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA), Cycle 1 (1991-2000), Albemarle-Pamlico study area (ALBE), location of sampled surface-water sites.
Part of the surface-water study was intended to describe water quality at selected fixed stations to get an idea of temporal variations. There are two basic station types. The first type, indicator stations, was selected in certain basins with a dominant land use (i.e., agricultural or forest) to characterize water quality under that particular land use. The second type, integrator stations, is stations located in the lower reaches of river systems and is intended to have water quality which is representative of the sum effects of the many smaller basins upstream --thus the integrator station integrates large-scale water quality in a basin. Finally, stations were selected over large areas and were sampled once to as many four times a year. These sites were termed synoptic stations and were intended to give a good representative picture of water quality over a large area of the basin.
How were samples collected and analyzed ?
Surface-water samples were collected according to NAWQA protocols. In general, samples were collected in clean Teflon or glass bottles using the equal-width-increment sampling method, which requires an equal spacing of verticals across a cross section and an equal transit rate in all verticals. The samples were split using the decapod cone sampler. Samples were filtered using capsule filters (except for pesticide and carbon filtering) in a clean sample chamber to isolate the sample from the environment. A detailed description of the pesticide sampling can be found in Manning and others (1994). Analyses of nutrients were performed according to methods presented in Fishman (1993).

Click on a station name to view water quality data:
- Albemarle Canal near Swindell, NC (02084558)
- Bear Creek at Mays Store, NC (0208925200)
- Blackwater River near Franklin, VA (02049500)
- Chicod Creek at SR 1760 near Simpson, NC (02084160)
- Contentnea Creek at Hookerton, NC (02091500)
- Devils Cradle Creek at SR 1412 near Alert, NC (02082731)
- Durham Creek at Edward, NC (02084540)
- Neuse River at Kinston, NC (02089500)
- Nottoway River near Sebrell, VA (02047000)
- Pete Mitchell Swamp at SR 1409 near Penny Hill, NC (02083833)
- Tar River at Tarboro, NC (02083500)
- Van Swamp near Hoke, NC (02084557)
Note: Sites with more frequent (up to weekly) sample collection for periods during the 3-year study are indicated by italics.
National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA), Cycle 1 (1991-2000), Albemarle-Pamlico study area (ALBE), location of sampled surface-water sites.
Part of the surface-water study was intended to describe water quality at selected fixed stations to get an idea of temporal variations. There are two basic station types. The first type, indicator stations, was selected in certain basins with a dominant land use (i.e., agricultural or forest) to characterize water quality under that particular land use. The second type, integrator stations, is stations located in the lower reaches of river systems and is intended to have water quality which is representative of the sum effects of the many smaller basins upstream --thus the integrator station integrates large-scale water quality in a basin. Finally, stations were selected over large areas and were sampled once to as many four times a year. These sites were termed synoptic stations and were intended to give a good representative picture of water quality over a large area of the basin.
How were samples collected and analyzed ?
Surface-water samples were collected according to NAWQA protocols. In general, samples were collected in clean Teflon or glass bottles using the equal-width-increment sampling method, which requires an equal spacing of verticals across a cross section and an equal transit rate in all verticals. The samples were split using the decapod cone sampler. Samples were filtered using capsule filters (except for pesticide and carbon filtering) in a clean sample chamber to isolate the sample from the environment. A detailed description of the pesticide sampling can be found in Manning and others (1994). Analyses of nutrients were performed according to methods presented in Fishman (1993).

Click on a station name to view water quality data:
- Albemarle Canal near Swindell, NC (02084558)
- Bear Creek at Mays Store, NC (0208925200)
- Blackwater River near Franklin, VA (02049500)
- Chicod Creek at SR 1760 near Simpson, NC (02084160)
- Contentnea Creek at Hookerton, NC (02091500)
- Devils Cradle Creek at SR 1412 near Alert, NC (02082731)
- Durham Creek at Edward, NC (02084540)
- Neuse River at Kinston, NC (02089500)
- Nottoway River near Sebrell, VA (02047000)
- Pete Mitchell Swamp at SR 1409 near Penny Hill, NC (02083833)
- Tar River at Tarboro, NC (02083500)
- Van Swamp near Hoke, NC (02084557)
Note: Sites with more frequent (up to weekly) sample collection for periods during the 3-year study are indicated by italics.