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Dr. Legna Torres-Garcia of the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center will be talking virtually with students at two local elementary schools about what it means to be an oceanographer.

Legna Torres-García
Legna Torres-García 

Dr. Legna Torres-Garcia is a Research Oceanographer at the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center studying hydrodynamics in coastal ecosystems and how these processes affect coastal resilience.  She will be talking about oceanography and the importance of her research with 3rd and 5th grade students from two local elementary schools.

The Great American Teach-In is an annual, nationwide event during which guests from various trades and professions visit classrooms to challenge students to begin thinking about future career paths. Several scientists at the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, including Legna, have participated in this event in previous years to inspire future generations to explore careers in coastal and marine science.

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