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Meeting on impact of infrastructure on occurrence and persistence of harmful algal blooms in South Florida

Dr. John Lisle (Research Microbial Ecologist, SPCMSC) was an invited panel member, participating in an open discussion on the occurrence and persistence of harmful algal blooms in south Florida with Florida State Senator Glavano.

The panel also included University of South Florida faculty members Dr. Valerie Harwood, Dr. Mark Raines, Dr. Sarina Ergas, Dr. David Lewis, Dr. George Phillippdis, and Dr. Mahmood Nachabe. The discussion focused on existing and prospective infrastructure projects that contribute to or mitigate harmful algal blooms in the watersheds associated with Lake Okeechobee and those leading to both coasts. Dr. Lisle discussed his recent research findings that during the storage phase of an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) cycle, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the recharged water are significantly reduced, providing a higher quality water upon recovery and discharge back into Lake Okeechobee.

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