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USGS researcher assists with Fire Island National Seashore climate change vulnerability assessment

Research Geologist Jennifer Miselis will travel to National Park Service (NPS) Fire Island National Seashore (FIIS) office in Patchogue, New York, to assist the NPS Northeast Region and the Coastal Resources Center at the University of Rhode Island with a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for FIIS.

SPCMSC Research Geologist Jennifer Miselis will travel to National Park Service (NPS) Fire Island National Seashore (FIIS) office in Patchogue, New York, to assist the NPS Northeast Region and the Coastal Resources Center at the University of Rhode Island with a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for FIIS. As a member of the Natural Resources Workgroup, Dr. Miselis has helped to evaluate existing data and models to provide expert judgements about the exposure and vulnerability of natural assets in the park to climate changes, such as increased inundation and changes in precipitation and air temperature. At the upcoming workshop, assessments from natural, cultural, and facilities resources will be integrated to systematically determine resource vulnerability and adaptive capacity. The effort is supported by the NPS Climate Change Response Program and will result in a report in 2018.


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