USGS Scientist elected as Fellow to American Academy of Microbiology
Dr. Christina Kellogg (SPCMSC) was elected to the American Academy of Microbiology (AAM). Fellows of the AAM, an honorific leadership group within the American Society for Microbiology, are elected annually from a pool of nominated candidates through a highly selective, peer-review process, based on their records of scientific achievement and original contributions that have advanced microbiology.
The Academy received 150 nominations this year and elected 65 into the 2021 Fellowship Class. Over the last 50 years, over 2,500 distinguished scientists have been elected to the AAM representing all subspecialties of the microbial sciences and involved in basic and applied research, teaching, public health, industry, and government service. In addition, Fellows hail from all around the globe. The Class of 2021 is a diverse class and represents Fellows from 11 different countries, including Australia, Canada, China (Mainland), France, Ireland, Sweden, Slovenia, Mexico, and Singapore, the U.K. and the U.S. Dr. Kellogg was elected to AAM for her contributions in microbiology, particularly for her research on the microbial ecology of tropical and deep-sea corals. She leads the coral microbial ecology laboratory at the U.S. Geological Survey St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center.
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