Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research - Cooperator Publications
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research - Cooperator Publications
Connor, W.P., K.F. Tiffan, J.A. Chandler, D.W. Rondorf, B.D. Arnsberg, and K.C. Anderson. In Press. Upstream migration and spawning success of Chinook salmon in a highly developed, seasonally warm river system. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture.
Groves, P.A., B. Alcorn, M.M. Wiest, J.M. Maselko, and W.P. Connor. 2016. Testing unmanned aircraft systems for salmon spawning surveys. Facets 1: 187-204.
Groves, P.A., J.A. Chandler, B. Alcorn, T.J. Richter, W.P. Connor, A.P. Garcia, and S.M. Bradbury. 2013. Evaluating salmon spawning habitat capacity using redd survey data. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33: 707-716.
Rosenberger, S.J., W.P Connor, C.A. Peery, D.J. Milks, M.L. Shuck, J.A. Hesse, and S.G. Smith. 2013. Acclimation enhances postrelease performance of hatchery fall Chinook salmon subyearlings while reducing the potential for interaction with natural fish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33: 519-528.
Connor, W.P., and K.F. Tiffan. 2012. Evidence for parr growth as a factor affecting parr-to-smolt survival. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141: 1207-1218.
Williams, J.G., R.S. Zabel, R.S. Waples, J.A. Hutchings, and W.P. Connor. 2008. Potential for anthropogenic disturbances to influence evolutionary change in the life history of a threatened salmonid. Evolutionary Applications 1(2): 271-285. DOI:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2008.00027.x.
Connor, W.P., and A.P. Garcia. 2006. Pre-spawning movement of wild and hatchery fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:1 31-139.
Connor, W.P., S.G. Smith, T. Andersen, S.M. Bradbury, D.C. Burum, E.E. Hockersmith, M.L. Schuck, G.W. Mendel, and R.M. Bugert. 2004. Post-release performance of hatchery yearling and subyearling fall Chinook salmon released into the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 545-560.
Garcia, A.P., W.P. Connor, D.J. Milks, S.J. Rocklage, and R.K. Steinhorst. 2004. Movement and spawner distribution of hatchery fall Chinook salmon adults acclimated and released as yearlings at three locations in the Snake River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 1134-1144.
Bennett, D.H., W.P. Connor, and C.A. Eaton. 2003. Substrate composition and emergence success of fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River. Northwest Science 77: 93-99.
Connor, W.P., and H.L. Burge. 2003. Growth of wild subyearling Chinook salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 594-599.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, J.R. Yearsley, and T.C. Bjornn. 2003. The influence of flow and temperature on survival of wild subyearling fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 362-375.
Connor, W.P., C.E. Piston, and A.P. Garcia. 2003. Temperature during incubation as one factor affecting the distribution of Snake River fall Chinook salmon spawning areas. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132: 1236-1243.
Connor, W.P., R.K. Steinhorst, and H.L. Burge. 2003. Migrational behavior and seaward movement of wild subyearling fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 414-430.
Smith, S.G., W.D. Muir, E.E. Hockersmith, R.W. Zabel, R.J. Graves, C.V. Ross, W.P. Connor, and B.D. Arnsberg. 2003. Influence of river conditions on survival and travel time of Snake River subyearling fall Chinook salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 939-961.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, R. Waitt, and T.C. Bjornn. 2002. Juvenile life history of wild fall Chinook salmon in the Snake and Clearwater rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries 22: 703-712.
Connor, W.P., A.P. Garcia, A.H. Connor, E.O. Garton, P.A. Groves, and J.A. Chandler. 2001. Estimating the carrying capacity of the Snake River for fall Chinook salmon redds. Northwest Science 75: 363-370.
Connor, W.P, A.R. Marshal, T.C. Bjornn, and H.L. Burge. 2001. Growth and long-range dispersal by wild subyearling spring and summer Chinook salmon in the Snake River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130: 1070-1076.
Dauble D., R.L. Johnson, and A.P. Garcia. 1999. Fall Chinook salmon spawning in the tailraces of hydroelectric projects. Transactions of the American Fishery Society 128: 672-679.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, and D.H. Bennett. 1998. Detection of subyearling Chinook salmon at a Snake River dam: Implications for summer flow augmentation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18: 530-536.
Groves, P.A., and A.P. Garcia. 1998. Two carriers used to suspend an underwater video camera from a boat. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18: 1004-1007.
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research - Cooperator Publications
Connor, W.P., K.F. Tiffan, J.A. Chandler, D.W. Rondorf, B.D. Arnsberg, and K.C. Anderson. In Press. Upstream migration and spawning success of Chinook salmon in a highly developed, seasonally warm river system. Reviews in Fisheries Science and Aquaculture.
Groves, P.A., B. Alcorn, M.M. Wiest, J.M. Maselko, and W.P. Connor. 2016. Testing unmanned aircraft systems for salmon spawning surveys. Facets 1: 187-204.
Groves, P.A., J.A. Chandler, B. Alcorn, T.J. Richter, W.P. Connor, A.P. Garcia, and S.M. Bradbury. 2013. Evaluating salmon spawning habitat capacity using redd survey data. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33: 707-716.
Rosenberger, S.J., W.P Connor, C.A. Peery, D.J. Milks, M.L. Shuck, J.A. Hesse, and S.G. Smith. 2013. Acclimation enhances postrelease performance of hatchery fall Chinook salmon subyearlings while reducing the potential for interaction with natural fish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33: 519-528.
Connor, W.P., and K.F. Tiffan. 2012. Evidence for parr growth as a factor affecting parr-to-smolt survival. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141: 1207-1218.
Williams, J.G., R.S. Zabel, R.S. Waples, J.A. Hutchings, and W.P. Connor. 2008. Potential for anthropogenic disturbances to influence evolutionary change in the life history of a threatened salmonid. Evolutionary Applications 1(2): 271-285. DOI:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2008.00027.x.
Connor, W.P., and A.P. Garcia. 2006. Pre-spawning movement of wild and hatchery fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:1 31-139.
Connor, W.P., S.G. Smith, T. Andersen, S.M. Bradbury, D.C. Burum, E.E. Hockersmith, M.L. Schuck, G.W. Mendel, and R.M. Bugert. 2004. Post-release performance of hatchery yearling and subyearling fall Chinook salmon released into the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 545-560.
Garcia, A.P., W.P. Connor, D.J. Milks, S.J. Rocklage, and R.K. Steinhorst. 2004. Movement and spawner distribution of hatchery fall Chinook salmon adults acclimated and released as yearlings at three locations in the Snake River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 1134-1144.
Bennett, D.H., W.P. Connor, and C.A. Eaton. 2003. Substrate composition and emergence success of fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River. Northwest Science 77: 93-99.
Connor, W.P., and H.L. Burge. 2003. Growth of wild subyearling Chinook salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 594-599.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, J.R. Yearsley, and T.C. Bjornn. 2003. The influence of flow and temperature on survival of wild subyearling fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 362-375.
Connor, W.P., C.E. Piston, and A.P. Garcia. 2003. Temperature during incubation as one factor affecting the distribution of Snake River fall Chinook salmon spawning areas. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132: 1236-1243.
Connor, W.P., R.K. Steinhorst, and H.L. Burge. 2003. Migrational behavior and seaward movement of wild subyearling fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 414-430.
Smith, S.G., W.D. Muir, E.E. Hockersmith, R.W. Zabel, R.J. Graves, C.V. Ross, W.P. Connor, and B.D. Arnsberg. 2003. Influence of river conditions on survival and travel time of Snake River subyearling fall Chinook salmon. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23: 939-961.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, R. Waitt, and T.C. Bjornn. 2002. Juvenile life history of wild fall Chinook salmon in the Snake and Clearwater rivers. North American Journal of Fisheries 22: 703-712.
Connor, W.P., A.P. Garcia, A.H. Connor, E.O. Garton, P.A. Groves, and J.A. Chandler. 2001. Estimating the carrying capacity of the Snake River for fall Chinook salmon redds. Northwest Science 75: 363-370.
Connor, W.P, A.R. Marshal, T.C. Bjornn, and H.L. Burge. 2001. Growth and long-range dispersal by wild subyearling spring and summer Chinook salmon in the Snake River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130: 1070-1076.
Dauble D., R.L. Johnson, and A.P. Garcia. 1999. Fall Chinook salmon spawning in the tailraces of hydroelectric projects. Transactions of the American Fishery Society 128: 672-679.
Connor, W.P., H.L. Burge, and D.H. Bennett. 1998. Detection of subyearling Chinook salmon at a Snake River dam: Implications for summer flow augmentation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18: 530-536.
Groves, P.A., and A.P. Garcia. 1998. Two carriers used to suspend an underwater video camera from a boat. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 18: 1004-1007.