This is an image of Kenneth Tiffan out in the field. Ken works to conduct applied research to provide information that would increase our understanding of Snake River fall Chinook salmon, listed as “threatened” under the ESA in 1992. His career has focused on this unique stock and facilitating recovery efforts.
Kenneth Tiffan (Former Employee)
Science and Products
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research - Cooperator Publications
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research
Daily and annual abundances of natural- and hatchery-origin age-0 fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) passing Lower Granite Dam, Washington 1992 - 2021
This is an image of Kenneth Tiffan out in the field. Ken works to conduct applied research to provide information that would increase our understanding of Snake River fall Chinook salmon, listed as “threatened” under the ESA in 1992. His career has focused on this unique stock and facilitating recovery efforts.
Hells Canyon on the Snake River.
Hells Canyon on the Snake River.
Beam trawling in Lower Granite Reservoir on the Snake River.
Beam trawling in Lower Granite Reservoir on the Snake River.
Juvenile Snake River fall Chinook salmon.
Juvenile Snake River fall Chinook salmon.
Back from the brink: Estimating daily and annual abundance of natural-origin salmon smolts from 30-years of mixed-origin capture-recapture data
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon research and monitoring
First investigations on lamprey responses to elevated total dissolved gas exposure and risk of gas bubble trauma
Monitoring native nonsalmonids for the incidence of gas bubble trauma downstream of Snake and Columbia River dams during the spring spill season, 2022
Nonsalmonid gas bubble trauma investigations
Backpack electrofishing does not contribute to external signs of gas bubble trauma in sculpins
Snake River fall Chinook salmon research and monitoring
Monitoring native, resident nonsalmonids for the incidence of gas bubble trauma downstream of Snake and Columbia River Dams, 2021
Research, monitoring, and evaluation of emerging issues and measures to recover the Snake River Fall Chinook salmon ESU
Lower Granite Reservoir biological monitoring at 2015 disposal site
Performance of subyearling fall Chinook salmon tagged with 8‐, 9‐, and 12‐mm passive integrated transponder tags in the Snake River
Impact of smallmouth bass predation on subyearling fall Chinook salmon over a broad river continuum
Science and Products
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research - Cooperator Publications
Snake River Fall Chinook Salmon Research
Daily and annual abundances of natural- and hatchery-origin age-0 fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) passing Lower Granite Dam, Washington 1992 - 2021
This is an image of Kenneth Tiffan out in the field. Ken works to conduct applied research to provide information that would increase our understanding of Snake River fall Chinook salmon, listed as “threatened” under the ESA in 1992. His career has focused on this unique stock and facilitating recovery efforts.
This is an image of Kenneth Tiffan out in the field. Ken works to conduct applied research to provide information that would increase our understanding of Snake River fall Chinook salmon, listed as “threatened” under the ESA in 1992. His career has focused on this unique stock and facilitating recovery efforts.
Hells Canyon on the Snake River.
Hells Canyon on the Snake River.
Beam trawling in Lower Granite Reservoir on the Snake River.
Beam trawling in Lower Granite Reservoir on the Snake River.
Juvenile Snake River fall Chinook salmon.
Juvenile Snake River fall Chinook salmon.