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Dr. Laura Norman has been selected as the 2021 winner of the William C. Ackermann Medal for Excellence in Water Management by the American Water Resources Association (ARWA) Board of Directors and its members. The medal recognizes an individual who has achieved a status of eminence in the design and/or implementation of exemplary water management practices.

Dr. Laura Norman has been selected as the 2021 winner of the William C. Ackermann Medal for Excellence in Water Management by the American Water Resources Association (ARWA) Board of Directors and its members. The medal recognizes an individual who has achieved a status of eminence in the design and/or implementation of exemplary water management practices., in recognition of her work to advance nontraditional practices for land and water resource management in the US-Mexico Borderlands. “Dr. Norman’s research is the foundation of a burgeoning community of practice and a shift in policy implementation in the arid southwest.”

Founded in 1964, the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) is a multidisciplinary not-for-profit professional association dedicated to the advancement of individuals in water resources management, research, and education. It is recognized as the pre-eminent multidisciplinary association for information exchange, professional development and education about water resources and related issues. and will be awarded at the AWRA 2021 Annual Water Resources Conference in November.

USGS Scientist Awarded Medal

USGS Scientist Awarded Medal

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