This streamgage on the Snake River was installed in 1904 and is one of the first streamgages established in Wyoming. Information from this site is used to make decisions on how irrigation water is delivered downstream, as well as monitor conditions for fisheries and recreational activities all year long.
Snake River at Moran, Wyoming
This streamgage in Grand Teton National Park records flows of the Snake River at the outlet of Jackson Lake Dam.
The water released from Jackson Lake is above freezing which keeps this site ice free, even during the coldest of days.
Comparison of water year 2021 streamflow to historical data at selected sites in the Snake River Basin, Wyoming
This streamgage is cooperatively funded and managed with the following partners:
This streamgage on the Snake River was installed in 1904 and is one of the first streamgages established in Wyoming. Information from this site is used to make decisions on how irrigation water is delivered downstream, as well as monitor conditions for fisheries and recreational activities all year long.
Snake River at Moran, Wyoming
This streamgage in Grand Teton National Park records flows of the Snake River at the outlet of Jackson Lake Dam.
The water released from Jackson Lake is above freezing which keeps this site ice free, even during the coldest of days.
Comparison of water year 2021 streamflow to historical data at selected sites in the Snake River Basin, Wyoming
This streamgage is cooperatively funded and managed with the following partners: