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ArcGIS Mapping Service for Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulouts

May 19, 2016

ArcGIS web mapping service created for the Pacific walrus coastal haulout database for NOAA's use. We summarize available information on Pacific walrus haulouts from available reports, interviews with coastal residents and aviators, and personal observations of the authors. We provide this in the form of a georeferenced database that may be queried and displayed with standard geographic information system and database management software. The database contains 150 records of Pacific walrus haulouts, with a summary of basic characteristics on maximum haulout size, age-sex composition, season of use, and decade of most recent use. Citations to reports are provided as a bibliographic database.

Publication Year 2016
Title ArcGIS Mapping Service for Pacific Walrus Coastal Haulouts
DOI 10.5066/F7VD6WK5
Authors Anthony S Fischbach, Anatoly A. Kochnev, J.M. Garlich-Miller, Chadwick V Jay
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Alaska Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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