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Cone Penetration Test data of Paleoliquefaction sites in Washington and Oregon

June 4, 2024

In many parts of the United States and around the globe, the instrumental earthquake record is insufficient to characterize seismic hazard or constrain potential ground motion intensities from individual sources. This lack of data is particularly acute for the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) of the U.S. Pacific Northwest, where paleoseismic evidence suggests a long history of large megathrust events. While evidence for pre-historic CSZ earthquakes has been discovered onshore and offshore Cascadia, the identification and dating of paleoliquefaction from pre-historic earthquakes offers the best potential for placing quantitative constraints on shaking intensities during past CSZ events. For this dataset, seven Cone Penetration Test (CPT) profiles were collected near five previously dated and published paleoliquefaction sites to enable inverse analysis of paleoshaking intensities during CSZ and Seattle Fault earthquakes. The "CPT Header" file provides the locations, dates, and other basic information for each CPT profile included in this data release. Individual CPT profiles are provided in the "" directory and are structured as four column .csv files with depth (meters), tip resistance (MPa), sleeve resistance (kPa), and inclination angle of the cone tip from vertical (degrees). The attached metadata document describes the data included in both sets of files.

Publication Year 2024
Title Cone Penetration Test data of Paleoliquefaction sites in Washington and Oregon
DOI 10.5066/P9XMD80B
Authors Alex R Grant, Joseph F Svitek, Ryan A Rasanen, Brett W Maurer, Michael W Greenfield
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Earthquake Hazards Program
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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