Data for the 2009 report Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada
December 20, 2022
This U.S. Geological Survey data release contains data for Smith and Mason Valleys, California and Nevada, from the 2009 publication: Lopes, T.J.,and Allander, K.K., 2009, Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009–5155, Data include (1) 1:24,000-scale hydrographic areas, (2) selected well sites used to develop autumn 2006 groundwater-level contours, and (3) autumn 2006 groundwater-level contours. Since the publication of Lopes and Allander (2009), the positional coordinates and land-surface altitudes at selected well sites used to develop autumn 2006 groundwater-level contours in that report were updated as part of a 2022 U.S. Geological Survey study (Davies and Naranjo, 2022).
Citation Information
Publication Year | 2022 |
Title | Data for the 2009 report Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada |
DOI | 10.5066/P9US1B3S |
Authors | Rose L Medina, Thomas J. Lopes, Bryan D. Little |
Product Type | Data Release |
Record Source | USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS) |
USGS Organization | Nevada Water Science Center |
Rights | This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal |
Estimated effects of pumping on groundwater storage and Walker River stream efficiencies in Smith and Mason Valleys, west-central Nevada
The Walker River originates in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and flows nearly 160 miles to its terminus at Walker Lake in west-central Nevada. The river provides a source of irrigation water for tens of thousands of acres of agricultural lands in California and Nevada and is the principal source of inflow to Walker Lake. Extraction of groundwater for agricultural use became prevalent in...
Gwendolyn E. Davies, Ramon C. Naranjo
Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada
The Walker River is the main source of inflow to Walker Lake, a closed-basin lake in west-central Nevada. Between 1882 and 2008, agricultural diversions resulted in a lake-level decline of more than 150 feet and storage loss of 7,400,000 acre-ft. Evaporative concentration increased dissolved solids from 2,500 to 17,000 milligrams per liter. The increase in salinity threatens the survival...
Thomas J. Lopes, Kip K. Allander
Estimated effects of pumping on groundwater storage and Walker River stream efficiencies in Smith and Mason Valleys, west-central Nevada
The Walker River originates in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and flows nearly 160 miles to its terminus at Walker Lake in west-central Nevada. The river provides a source of irrigation water for tens of thousands of acres of agricultural lands in California and Nevada and is the principal source of inflow to Walker Lake. Extraction of groundwater for agricultural use became prevalent in...
Gwendolyn E. Davies, Ramon C. Naranjo
Hydrologic Setting and Conceptual Hydrologic Model of the Walker River Basin, West-Central Nevada
The Walker River is the main source of inflow to Walker Lake, a closed-basin lake in west-central Nevada. Between 1882 and 2008, agricultural diversions resulted in a lake-level decline of more than 150 feet and storage loss of 7,400,000 acre-ft. Evaporative concentration increased dissolved solids from 2,500 to 17,000 milligrams per liter. The increase in salinity threatens the survival...
Thomas J. Lopes, Kip K. Allander