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Database for the Geologic Map and Structure Sections of the Clear Lake Volcanics, Northern California

May 9, 2022

This geologic map database is a reproduction of U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I–2362: “Geologic Map and Structure Sections of the Clear Lake Volcanics, Northern California” (Hearn, Donnelly-Nolan, and Goff, 1995). The database consists of a geologic map, three structural cross sections and a table of petrographic data for each map unit by mineral type, abundance, and size. The Clear Lake Volcanics are in the California Coast Ranges about 150 km north of San Francisco. This Quaternary volcanic field has erupted intermittently since 2.1 million years ago. This volcanic field is considered a high-threat volcanic system (Ewert and others, 2005). The adjacent Geysers geothermal field, the largest power-producing geothermal field in the world, is powered by the magmatic heat source for the volcanic field. The geology of parts of the area underlain by the Cache Formation is based on mapping by Rymer (1981); the geology of parts of the areas underlain by the Sonoma Volcanics, Franciscan assemblage, and Great Valley sequence is based on mapping by McLaughlin (1978). Volcanic compositional map units are basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, rhyodacite, and rhyolite, based on SiO2 content. Most ages are potassium-argon (K/Ar) ages determined for whole-rock samples and mineral separates by Donnelly-Nolan and others (1981), unless otherwise noted. A few ages are carbon-14 ages or were estimated from geologic relationships. Magnetic polarities are from Mankinen and others (1978; 1981) or were determined in the field by B.C. Hearn, Jr., using a portable fluxgate magnetometer. Thickness for most units is estimated from topographic relief except where drill-hole data were available. This database does not reproduce all elements of the original publication. Omissions include the chart and figures showing erupted volumes of different lava types through time, and the chart and diagram for the correlation of map units. Users of this database are highly encouraged to cross reference this database with the original publication. Hearn, B.C., Jr., Donnelly-Nolan, J.M., and Goff, F.E., 1995, Geologic map and structure sections of the Clear Lake Volcanics, northern California: U.S. Geological Survey Miscellaneous Investigations Map I–2362, 3 sheets, scale 1:24,000, available at Ewert, J.W., Guffanti, Marianne, and Murray, T.L., 2005, An assessment of volcanic threat and monitoring capabilities in the United States—Framework for a National Volcano Early Warning System: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1164, 62 p., Rymer, Michael J., 1981, Stratigraphic revision of the Cache Formation (Pliocene and Pleistocene), Lake County, California: U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1502C, McLaughlin, Robert J., 1978, Preliminary geologic map and structural sections of the central Mayacmas Mountains and The Geysers steam field, Sonoma, Lake, and Mendocino counties, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 78-389, Donnelly-Nolan Julie M. and others, 1981, in McLaughlin, R.J. and Donnelly-Nolan, J.M., eds., Research in The Geysers-Clear Lake geothermal area, northern California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1141, 47-60 p., Mankinen, E.A. and others, 1978, Geomagnetic polarity event recorded at 1.1 m.y. B.P. on Cobb Mountain, Clear Lake volcanic field, California: Geology, v. 6, no 11, p. 653-656. Mankinen, E.A. and others, 1981, in McLaughlin, R.J. and Donnelly-Nolan, J.M., eds., Research in The Geysers-Clear Lake geothermal area, northern California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1141, 67-82 p.,

Publication Year 2022
Title Database for the Geologic Map and Structure Sections of the Clear Lake Volcanics, Northern California
DOI 10.5066/P9HUYU9P
Authors Joseph A Bard, Ratnanjali Adhar, Joel E Robinson, David W Ramsey, B.C. Hearn, Julie M Donnelly-Nolan, Fraser E. Goff
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization USGS Volcano Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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