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Formation tops data from the stratigraphic cross sections of the Lewis Shale in the eastern part of the Southwestern Wyoming Province, Wyoming and Colorado

November 3, 2023

This data release contains data associated with the USGS SIM publication "Stratigraphic Cross Sections of the Lewis Shale in the eastern part of the Southwestern Wyoming Province, Wyoming and Colorado". North-to-southeast (A–A’), west-to-east (B–B’), and southwest-to-northeast (C–C’) cross sections were created from 105 wells throughout the eastern part of the Southwestern Wyoming Province. The cross sections highlight 15 clinothems within the Lewis Shale, Fox Hills Sandstone, and Lance Formation progradational system. Data include well information and depths to key stratigraphic surfaces for 105 wells within the three cross sections. Well information includes the cross section identification, API #, well name, latitude in decimals, longitude in decimals, projection datum, county, state, Kelly Bushing elevation in feet, section, township, and range. Wells 19*, 26*, 69* and 70* are intersection points between the three sections. The stratigraphic data are all listed in measured depth relative to the Kelly bushing elevation and include the depth to the top of the Almond Formation, depth to the top and base of the informal Asquith marker, depth to the tops of 15 flooding surfaces which define the series of clinothems within the Lewis Shale, depth the top of the Lewis Shale, and depth to the top of the Fox Hills Sandstone.

Publication Year 2023
Title Formation tops data from the stratigraphic cross sections of the Lewis Shale in the eastern part of the Southwestern Wyoming Province, Wyoming and Colorado
DOI 10.5066/P9XRPCSC
Authors Jane S Hearon
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Central Energy Resources Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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