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Geologic map of Ophir and central Candor Chasmata (MTM -05072) of Mars

January 9, 2023

The geologic map of Ophir and central Candor Chasmata is one of a series of 1:500,000 scale maps prepared for areas on Mars that are of particular scientific interest and may serve as potential future landing sites. This map is also part of a set that includes east Candor Chasma, west Candor Chasma, and Melas Chasma. The geologic interpretations are based dominantly on medium- and high-resolution Viking images, many of them stereoscopic, and supplemented by lower resolution apoapsis and other color images. A strip of very high resolution stereoscopic images (~20 m/pixel) crosses the central part of the quadrangle from northwest to southeast and served to clarify detailed relations not obvious on other images. A topographic map with contour intervals of 200 m was also used, as were multidirectional oblique images derived from merged image mosaics and topography (see fig. 1) (Bertolini and McEwen, 1990). Geologic relations and interpretations are based on the entire central Valles Marineris map set. The map area is included in the Valles Marineris map of Witbeck and others (1991), but units were defined independently. Age assignments, however, were integrated with those by Witbeck and others and Scott and Tanaka (1986).

Publication Year 2023
Title Geologic map of Ophir and central Candor Chasmata (MTM -05072) of Mars
DOI 10.5066/P9IKD7NE
Authors B. K. Lucchitta
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Astrogeology Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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