This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release consists of a spreadsheet presenting high-frequency water levels in feet below a measuring point (MP) at Devils Hole in Nye County, Nevada. Water-level data are collected at USGS site 362532116172701 by the National Park Service, using a data logger programmed to collect water-level every 15 minutes or every 5 seconds when a water-level change greater than 0.015 feet is detected. Data are analyzed, approved, and audited according to USGS standards as described in U.S. Geological Survey Office of Surface Water memo 2017.10. Continuous 15-minute data are published in the National Water Information System (NWIS) database. Irregular periods of 5-second data collected during and after probable seismic events are presented here. The dataset begins on August 12, 2018 and will be updated approximately annually. The spreadsheet filename indicates years presented. Please see DH_Revision_History.txt for further details.