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Mercury, methylmercury, cations, dissolved organic carbon, and dissolved organic matter optical properties in small forest streams during five synoptic sampling campaigns at Sleepers River, Vermont, 2017-2018

October 20, 2022
The dataset describes mercury and dissolved organic matter concentration and quality over five synoptic sampling campaigns at 12 stream sites within the 41-hectare (ha) forested W-9 catchment at Sleepers River, Vermont, with an additional site at the downstream W-3 gage (837 ha). The five campaigns included a large (79 millimeter (mm)) fall storm, spring snowmelt, and spring, summer, and fall base flow periods. During the fall storm, the synoptic sampling was augmented with a time series of samples over the hydrograph at the W-9 weir. All samples were filtered and analyzed for mercury, methylmercury, major cations, total dissolved nitrogen, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was characterized by a full uv-visible absorbance scan and fluorescence excitation emission matrices, and other properties. Conventional DOM quality metrics were derived from these data and reported herein.
Publication Year 2022
Title Mercury, methylmercury, cations, dissolved organic carbon, and dissolved organic matter optical properties in small forest streams during five synoptic sampling campaigns at Sleepers River, Vermont, 2017-2018
DOI 10.5066/P9FP8SCV
Authors James B Shanley, Kevin A. Ryan, Vivien F. Taylor, Ann T Chalmers, J. Perdrial, A. Stubbins
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization New England Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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