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Pd qPCR Interlaboratory Testing Results

July 7, 2023

These data were collected as part of a voluntary initiative to create a White-Nose Syndrome Diagnostic Laboratory Network among laboratories participating in research and surveillance for Pseudogymonascus destructans (Pd) - the fungal pathogen causing White-Nose Syndrome in bats. Pd_qPCR_InterlaboratoryLODdata.xlsx is raw qPCR data from multiple laboratories running serial dilutions of Pd gBlock in known concentrations for the collectively used Muller (2013) Pd qPCR assay. Pd_qPCR_InterlaboratoryResults_LOD.xlsx contains the data output for each laboratory from running a generic LOD/LOQ calculator script. the generic LOD/LOQ calculator script is available at: Pd_qPCR_InterlaboratoryPTResults_PanelData.xlsx contains the raw qPCR data from multiple laboratories running blinded samples spiked with known concentrations of Pd conidia. Each sample was extracted once and run in triplicate using the Muller (2013) assay. Pd_qPCR_InterlaboratoryPTResults_PanelResults contains the results of the blinded samples in each laboratory panel as both qPCR Ct values per replicate, and final overall sample result according to the WNS Case Definition. Pd_qPCR_InterlaboratoryPTResults_Standards.xlsx contains the results of the standard curves run by each laboratory in conjunction with the blinded sample panel.

Publication Year 2023
Title Pd qPCR Interlaboratory Testing Results
DOI 10.5066/P93SXYL0
Authors Katrina E Alger, Donna Mulrooney, Nicole Nemeth, Kristy Pabilonia, Katy Parise, Ken Sojonky, Kayla Adcock, Anne E Ballmann, Patricia Bell-Rogers, Hugh Cai, Chris Cornelison, Jeffrey Foster, Kyle G George, Tomy Joseph, Jeffrey M Lorch
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization National Wildlife Health Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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