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Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of Eastern North American Moose

March 6, 2023

Hair samples were collected in discrete areas during radio-collar studies in Vermont under the auspices of University of Vermont IACUC protocol #17-035 (n=106), New Hampshire (n=34), and Maine (n=57). Hair and tissue samples were opportunistically collected from animals that were harvested, died in vehicle collisions, or translocated throughout Vermont (n = 105), Quebec (n = 198), Massachusetts (n = 5), and New York (n = 24). Of the 317 previously identified autosomal moose SNPs, 136 loci were utilized to develop a MALDI-TOF MS genotyping assay. After filtering problematic loci and individuals, genotypes from 112 of 136 SNPs (82%) were obtained for 507 individuals and all loci met Hardy-Weinberg expectations in the nine geographic regions samples.

Publication Year 2023
Title Population Structure and Genetic Diversity of Eastern North American Moose
DOI 10.5066/P9B30K2L
Authors Stephanie McKay, Elias Rosenblatt, Therese M Donovan, Katherine Gieder, James Murdoch, Timothy P L Smith, Michael P Heaton, Theodore S Kalbfleisch, Brenda M Murdoch, Suraj Bhattarai, Emory Pacht, Emma Verbist, Veronica Basnayake
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Cooperative Research Units Program
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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