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Pumping, Injection, and Water Spreading Model Input for the Los Angeles Coastal Plain Groundwater Model - MF6

December 2, 2022

These data include pumping, injection, and water spreading input data for the MODFLOW-6 extension and update to Los Angeles Coastal Plain Groundwater Model (LACPGM-MF6) for the years 2016-2020. The LACPGM-MF6 required model inputs to represent groundwater injection, groundwater extraction, and water spreading. Extended datasets include four barrier project injection rates, two groundwater production extraction rates, and one water spreading infiltration rates. The data were made available by the two local water agencies, Water Resources Division of Los Angeles and the Orange County Water District. Spreading data were formatted for the MODFLOW-6 well package and both injection and extraction data were formatted for the MODFLOW-6 multi-aquifer well package.

Publication Year 2022
Title Pumping, Injection, and Water Spreading Model Input for the Los Angeles Coastal Plain Groundwater Model - MF6
DOI 10.5066/P9XFH2JS
Authors Daniel P Culling, Scott Paulinski
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Sacramento Projects Office (USGS California Water Science Center)
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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