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Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data for Siberian barn swallow subspecies collected during the breeding season

October 28, 2019

This dataset includes stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values for the inner tail retrices of three subspecies of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica rustica, H. r. tytleri, and H. r. gutturalis). Sampling was conducted in Russia (summer 2013), China (summer 2014), Mongolia (summer 2014), Japan (summer 2014), and western China (summer 2015) using mist nets. Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data are useful proxies for diet and at broad spatial scales have the potential to constrain geographic distributions at the sub-population level. These data were used in tandem with molecular genetics to explore the extent to which a migratory divide explains the strength of reproductive isolation. There are two files in this dataset: 1) A comma delimitated machine-readable file (*.csv) that represents the data dictionary, and 2) a comma delimited machine-readable file (*.csv) containing the data.

Publication Year 2019
Title Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data for Siberian barn swallow subspecies collected during the breeding season
DOI 10.5066/P9C2TH2K
Authors Craig A Stricker
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Fort Collins Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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