In 2012, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with Colorado Springs Utilities selected 10 reaches or study area along Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs and the confluence of Fountain Creek at the Arkansas River for annual bed and bank characterization and topographic surveys. The selected 10 study areas are approximately 5 to 20 bank-full channel widths in length. The topographic surveys collected point data of location and elevation in the active channel and along both left and right banks and flood plains. Starting in 2012, USGS personnel have collected topographic survey data annually during the winter, spring, or summer using real-time kinematic Global Navigation Satellite Systems. These point data are converted to a grid which generates annual digital elevation maps of each study area which are used to develop elevation change maps at each study area. The topographic survey data provide an annual assessment of the geomorphic change at each study area.