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Traits and Factors Catalog (TRAFAC): Non-native insects of North American forests

September 9, 2024

These data were compiled in support of the "Predicting the next high-impact insect invasion: Elucidating traits and factors determining the risk of introduced herbivorous insects on North American native plants" project supported by the U.S. Geological Survey John Wesley Powell Center for Analysis and Synthesis, as well as the "Forecasting high-impact insect invasions by integrating probability models with i-Tree from urban to continental scales" project supported by the USDA Forest Service National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council. The project working group compiled data for non-native, tree-feeding insects in North America. Data were synthesized from existing resources for a variety of insect traits, traits of their North American host plants, divergence time between the North American host species and the host species in the insects' native range, and native insects that feed on the same North American host as the non-native insect (co-evolved). This dataset supports analysis performed by the working group on quantifying host breadth and determining the drivers of non-native insect impact on North American tree species.

Publication Year 2024
Title Traits and Factors Catalog (TRAFAC): Non-native insects of North American forests
DOI 10.5066/P9XT5LNP
Authors Ashley N Schulz, Angela M Mech, Nathan P Havill, Daniel R Uden, Matthew P Ayres, Jessen Havill, Angela M Hoover, Brittany F Barnes, Karla S Boyd, Lekeah Durden, Ruth A Hufbauer, Andrew M Liebhold, Travis D Marsico, Kenneth F Raffa, Chithra Singareddy, Erika Teach, Patrick C Tobin, Atticus W Wolf, Kathryn A Thomas
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Southwest Biological Science Center - Flagstaff, AZ, Headquarters
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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