Earth Science Matters - Volume 3, Fall 2015
This issue of Earth Science Matters focuses on USGS research from the Ecosystems Land Change Science Program designed to improve understanding of patterns of precipitation and drought in the western U.S., impacts of climate variability on the land surface and carbon sequestration, and the use of climate models to understand climate patterns of the past and present.
Climate models: applications to understand past climates and climate change
This article is part of the Fall 2015 issue of the Earth Science Matters Newsletter.
Tracing long-term changes in Rocky Mountain climate, water, and ecosystems
This article is part of the Fall 2015 issue of the Earth Science Matters Newsletter.
Glacier-derived August runoff in northwest Montana
This article is part of the Fall 2015 issue of the Earth Science Matters Newsletter.
New USGS Glacier Studies Webpage
Learn about important research USGS scientists are conducting to better understand the links between glaciers, climate change, and society.
Sand dune mobility at Grand Falls on the Navajo Nation, southwestern United States
This article is part of the Fall 2015 issue of the Earth Science Matters Newsletter.
Urbanization can switch floodplain wetland soils from a sink to a source of greenhouse gases
This article is part of the Fall 2015 issue of the Earth Science Matters Newsletter.
A 7,600-year record of climate and vegetation change from the northern Ruby Mountains, Nevada, USA
This article is part of the Fall 2015 issue of the Earth Science Matters Newsletter.