Salmon River is one of the transboundary watersheds of Southeast Alaska.
The Salmon River, located near Hyder, Alaska, and Stewart, British Columbia, is the smallest watershed in the transboundary study of Southeast Alaska.
Return to Water >> USGS Transboundary River Monitoring in Southeast Alaska
Real-time Streamflow of the Salmon River Graph
Real-time Streamflow of the Salmon River | Historical Water Quality Data | Summary of all Available Data
The Salmon River, located near Hyder, Alaska, and Stewart, British Columbia, is the smallest watershed in this study. The Salmon has the highest percent glacial coverage of the watersheds in this study, at 26%. It also has a yearly glacial lake outburst flood in its upper watershed. Premier Mine, just a few miles upstream from the border, was the largest gold producer in the region in the mid-20th century. Remediation efforts to contain tailings and release water that meets B.C. water quality standards are ongoing. Ascot Minerals is in the process of releasing an Environmental Impact Statement for the reopening of Premier. There is concern within the community of Hyder that mining operations could impact commercial salmon fishing in local waters. Water quality sampling on the Salmon began in March 2020.

Below are other science projects associated with this project.
USGS Transboundary River Monitoring in Southeast Alaska
Suspended-Sediment and Solids Sampling
Unuk River
Stikine River
Taku River
Super Gages and Water Quality Sampling
Alsek River
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Salmon River is one of the transboundary watersheds of Southeast Alaska.
The Salmon River, located near Hyder, Alaska, and Stewart, British Columbia, is the smallest watershed in the transboundary study of Southeast Alaska.
Return to Water >> USGS Transboundary River Monitoring in Southeast Alaska
Real-time Streamflow of the Salmon River Graph
Real-time Streamflow of the Salmon River | Historical Water Quality Data | Summary of all Available Data
The Salmon River, located near Hyder, Alaska, and Stewart, British Columbia, is the smallest watershed in this study. The Salmon has the highest percent glacial coverage of the watersheds in this study, at 26%. It also has a yearly glacial lake outburst flood in its upper watershed. Premier Mine, just a few miles upstream from the border, was the largest gold producer in the region in the mid-20th century. Remediation efforts to contain tailings and release water that meets B.C. water quality standards are ongoing. Ascot Minerals is in the process of releasing an Environmental Impact Statement for the reopening of Premier. There is concern within the community of Hyder that mining operations could impact commercial salmon fishing in local waters. Water quality sampling on the Salmon began in March 2020.

Below are other science projects associated with this project.
USGS Transboundary River Monitoring in Southeast Alaska
Suspended-Sediment and Solids Sampling
Unuk River
Stikine River
Taku River
Super Gages and Water Quality Sampling
Alsek River
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
Salmon River is one of the transboundary watersheds of Southeast Alaska.
Salmon River is one of the transboundary watersheds of Southeast Alaska.