Two cameras were installed in December of 2024 on the Anchor River to monitor flooding associated with river ice. Traditional hydrologic monitoring is often ineffective when rivers freeze and break up and the cameras provide information needed by our partners to verify water levels and issue flood forecasts.
Jeff Conaway
Surface-water modeling, sediment transport, acoustic Doppler current profilers
Professional Experience
2018 - Present Associate Center Director for Water, Ice, and Landscape Dynamics, USGS Alaska Science Center
2000 - 2018 Hydrologist, USGS Alaska Science Center
Education and Certifications
M.S. 2000 Portland State University Geology
B.S. 1996 University of Alaska Fairbanks Geology
Science and Products
Exploring Alaska Through Our Science
Community Outreach and Engagement
Outer Continental Shelf Program
Science Support Program and Quick Response Program
USGS Transboundary River Monitoring in Southeast Alaska
USGS Alaska Streamgage Datum to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 Conversion Table
Q&A: USGS and 2024 the Anchorage Bike to Work Day
Collaborative Science for Priority Information Needs
Alaska Streamflow Statistics
Satellite-based Remote Sensing of River Discharge
Compilation of Historical Water Temperature Data for Large Rivers in Alaska using the Landsat Satellite Archive
Suspended-Sediment and Solids Sampling
Water Surfaces Elevations from Pressure Transducers on the Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska, 2016
Digital orthophotos and field measurements of flow velocity from the Tanana and Nenana Rivers, Alaska, from August 2021 (ver. 2.0, June 2024)
Copper River and Knik River Bathymetric Surveys at Select Alaska Highway Bridges near Flag Point and Butte, Alaska, 2020
Two cameras were installed in December of 2024 on the Anchor River to monitor flooding associated with river ice. Traditional hydrologic monitoring is often ineffective when rivers freeze and break up and the cameras provide information needed by our partners to verify water levels and issue flood forecasts.
Wolverine tracks in the snow on Crescent Lake near the Moose Pass Alaska. The wolverine is the largest terrestrial member of the family Mustelidae and is a relative of the mink and weasel.
Wolverine tracks in the snow on Crescent Lake near the Moose Pass Alaska. The wolverine is the largest terrestrial member of the family Mustelidae and is a relative of the mink and weasel.
USGS staff measuring streamflow at the Solomon Gulch Tailrace with a tethered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. This is one of 12 streamgages that the USGS Alaska Science Center operates in cooperation with hydropower providers across Alaska. Data are used for operation, regulation, and planning purposes.
USGS staff measuring streamflow at the Solomon Gulch Tailrace with a tethered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. This is one of 12 streamgages that the USGS Alaska Science Center operates in cooperation with hydropower providers across Alaska. Data are used for operation, regulation, and planning purposes.
McKinley Lake, outside of Cordova, Alaska. This is the site of deployment of limnocorrals for an Elodea spp. experiment.
McKinley Lake, outside of Cordova, Alaska. This is the site of deployment of limnocorrals for an Elodea spp. experiment.
Streamgage number 15905100 at the Atigun River, Alaska. The Alyeska oil pipeline is in the background.
Streamgage number 15905100 at the Atigun River, Alaska. The Alyeska oil pipeline is in the background.
Sounding weight on the Copper River Delta, Alaska
Sounding weight on the Copper River Delta, Alaska
A comparison of contemporary and historical hydrology and water quality in the foothills and coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Arctic Slope, northern Alaska
Moving Aircraft River Velocimetry (MARV): Framework and proof-of-concept on the Tanana River
Comparison of historical water temperature measurements with landsat analysis ready data provisional surface temperature estimates for the Yukon River in Alaska
QCam: sUAS-based doppler radar for measuring river discharge
Deglacierization of a marginal basin and implications for outburst floods, Mendenhall Glacier, Alaska
Near-field remote sensing of Alaskan Rivers
Remote sensing of river flow in Alaska—New technology to improve safety and expand coverage of USGS streamgaging
Measurement of long-term channel change through repeated cross-section surveys at bridge crossings in Alaska
Using remotely sensed data to estimate river characteristics including water-surface velocity and discharge
Remote measurement of surface-water velocity using infrared videography and PIV: a proof-of-concept for Alaskan rivers
Evaluation of streambed scour at bridges over tidal waterways in Alaska
Oceanographic gradients and seabird prey community dynamics in glacial fjords
Science and Products
Exploring Alaska Through Our Science
Community Outreach and Engagement
Outer Continental Shelf Program
Science Support Program and Quick Response Program
USGS Transboundary River Monitoring in Southeast Alaska
USGS Alaska Streamgage Datum to North American Vertical Datum of 1988 Conversion Table
Q&A: USGS and 2024 the Anchorage Bike to Work Day
Collaborative Science for Priority Information Needs
Alaska Streamflow Statistics
Satellite-based Remote Sensing of River Discharge
Compilation of Historical Water Temperature Data for Large Rivers in Alaska using the Landsat Satellite Archive
Suspended-Sediment and Solids Sampling
Water Surfaces Elevations from Pressure Transducers on the Tanana River near Fairbanks, Alaska, 2016
Digital orthophotos and field measurements of flow velocity from the Tanana and Nenana Rivers, Alaska, from August 2021 (ver. 2.0, June 2024)
Copper River and Knik River Bathymetric Surveys at Select Alaska Highway Bridges near Flag Point and Butte, Alaska, 2020
Two cameras were installed in December of 2024 on the Anchor River to monitor flooding associated with river ice. Traditional hydrologic monitoring is often ineffective when rivers freeze and break up and the cameras provide information needed by our partners to verify water levels and issue flood forecasts.
Two cameras were installed in December of 2024 on the Anchor River to monitor flooding associated with river ice. Traditional hydrologic monitoring is often ineffective when rivers freeze and break up and the cameras provide information needed by our partners to verify water levels and issue flood forecasts.
Wolverine tracks in the snow on Crescent Lake near the Moose Pass Alaska. The wolverine is the largest terrestrial member of the family Mustelidae and is a relative of the mink and weasel.
Wolverine tracks in the snow on Crescent Lake near the Moose Pass Alaska. The wolverine is the largest terrestrial member of the family Mustelidae and is a relative of the mink and weasel.
USGS staff measuring streamflow at the Solomon Gulch Tailrace with a tethered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. This is one of 12 streamgages that the USGS Alaska Science Center operates in cooperation with hydropower providers across Alaska. Data are used for operation, regulation, and planning purposes.
USGS staff measuring streamflow at the Solomon Gulch Tailrace with a tethered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. This is one of 12 streamgages that the USGS Alaska Science Center operates in cooperation with hydropower providers across Alaska. Data are used for operation, regulation, and planning purposes.
McKinley Lake, outside of Cordova, Alaska. This is the site of deployment of limnocorrals for an Elodea spp. experiment.
McKinley Lake, outside of Cordova, Alaska. This is the site of deployment of limnocorrals for an Elodea spp. experiment.
Streamgage number 15905100 at the Atigun River, Alaska. The Alyeska oil pipeline is in the background.
Streamgage number 15905100 at the Atigun River, Alaska. The Alyeska oil pipeline is in the background.
Sounding weight on the Copper River Delta, Alaska
Sounding weight on the Copper River Delta, Alaska