Lake and Reservoir Science in Oklahoma and Texas - Overview
The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) collects data and has science projects at more than 200 reservoirs. Visit the links below for more information on our data and science.
OTWSC has expertise in lake and reservoir science applications, including, but not limited to:
- Surveying gain and loss of storage
- Surveying lakes and reservoirs using bathymetry
- Modeling watersheds
- Monitoring storage and elevation
- Assessing nutrient and major ion occurrence, distribution, and concentration in waters
- Collecting and analyzing water-quality data
- Monitoring for invasive species
- Providing qualitative information regarding surface-water and groundwater exchanges
- Estimating recharge to groundwater using statistical regression techniques
- Monitoring water-quality, streamflow, and water height in real time
Find out more about OTWSC surface-water science expertise in this printable information sheet.
TXWSC collects water-surface elevation and(or) reservoir storage data for more than 150 sites. Water-quality data also are collected at many lakes and reservoirs and can be explored and downloaded through the USGS National Water Information System Website (NWISweb).
⇒ Current Lake and Reservoir Conditions
⇒ Combined Streamflow and Lakes
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has specific information about conservation pool elevation, current storage and percent full for major Texas reservoirs on their website: Water Data for Texas
Invasive Species
Zebra Mussel Monitoring in North Texas
Surface-Water/Groundwater Interaction
Hydrologic Monitoring of Medina and Diversion Lakes, San Antonio Area
Water Quality
Water-Quality Monitoring of the Lake Houston Watershed
Projects related to lake and reservoir science are listed below.
Water-Quality Monitoring of the Lake Houston Watershed
Investigation of Preferential Groundwater Seepage in the Ellenburger – San Saba Aquifer Using Geoelectric Measurements
Hydrologic Monitoring of Medina and Diversion Lakes, San Antonio Area
Dallas Lake Nutrients Study
Cyanobacteria Methods
Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program (ZMMP)
Data and tools related to lake and reservoir science are listed below.
Current Streamflow and Lake Elevations Combined
Real-time streamflow and lake elevations combined.
Current Conditions at Texas Lakes and Reservoirs
Real-time lake and reservoir elevations from 150 sites across Texas.
The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) collects data and has science projects at more than 200 reservoirs. Visit the links below for more information on our data and science.
OTWSC has expertise in lake and reservoir science applications, including, but not limited to:
- Surveying gain and loss of storage
- Surveying lakes and reservoirs using bathymetry
- Modeling watersheds
- Monitoring storage and elevation
- Assessing nutrient and major ion occurrence, distribution, and concentration in waters
- Collecting and analyzing water-quality data
- Monitoring for invasive species
- Providing qualitative information regarding surface-water and groundwater exchanges
- Estimating recharge to groundwater using statistical regression techniques
- Monitoring water-quality, streamflow, and water height in real time
Find out more about OTWSC surface-water science expertise in this printable information sheet.
TXWSC collects water-surface elevation and(or) reservoir storage data for more than 150 sites. Water-quality data also are collected at many lakes and reservoirs and can be explored and downloaded through the USGS National Water Information System Website (NWISweb).
⇒ Current Lake and Reservoir Conditions
⇒ Combined Streamflow and Lakes
The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) has specific information about conservation pool elevation, current storage and percent full for major Texas reservoirs on their website: Water Data for Texas
Invasive Species
Zebra Mussel Monitoring in North Texas
Surface-Water/Groundwater Interaction
Hydrologic Monitoring of Medina and Diversion Lakes, San Antonio Area
Water Quality
Water-Quality Monitoring of the Lake Houston Watershed
Projects related to lake and reservoir science are listed below.
Water-Quality Monitoring of the Lake Houston Watershed
Investigation of Preferential Groundwater Seepage in the Ellenburger – San Saba Aquifer Using Geoelectric Measurements
Hydrologic Monitoring of Medina and Diversion Lakes, San Antonio Area
Dallas Lake Nutrients Study
Cyanobacteria Methods
Zebra Mussel Monitoring Program (ZMMP)
Data and tools related to lake and reservoir science are listed below.
Current Streamflow and Lake Elevations Combined
Real-time streamflow and lake elevations combined.
Current Conditions at Texas Lakes and Reservoirs
Real-time lake and reservoir elevations from 150 sites across Texas.