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Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Ironton, Missouri area

August 10, 2017

This publication provides digital flight line data for a high resolution horizontal magnetic gradient and radiometric survey over the Ironton, Missouri area of southeast Missouri. Data were collected using a fixed wing aircraft with magnetometers mounted in the tail stinger and each wing tip pod and a fully calibrated gamma ray spectrometer. The survey took place out of the Farmington, Missouri airport during January to mid-February of 2016. The survey covers an irregularly shaped region within a 54 x 53 square-kilometer area centered on the town of Ironton, Missouri. Data were collected along north-south flight lines spaced 300 m apart with east-west tie lines flown every 3000 m. A mean terrain clearance of 140 m was maintained except where safety dictated a higher elevation. A total of 10,253 line km of data were collected. Three files are available in this publication and include flight line data for the magnetic gradient survey, flight line data for the radiometric survey and a report describing the survey parameters, field operations, quality control and data reduction procedures.

Publication Year 2017
Title Airborne magnetic and radiometric survey, Ironton, Missouri area
DOI 10.5066/F7B56GT8
Authors Anne E McCafferty
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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