An illustration of a Myotis yuma bat drawn by Diana Valentin during a Northern Arizona University/USGS internship
Detailed Description
An illustration of a Myotis yuma bat drawn by Diana Valentin during a Northern Arizona University/USGS internship. This illustration was drawn during a study that examined how the diversity and abundance of emerging aquatic insects affected bat abundance and foraging. For more information, see: Metcalfe, A.N., Fritzinger, C.A., Weller, T.J., Dodrill, M.J., Muehlbauer, J.D., Yackulic, C.B., Holton, P.B., Szydlo, C.M., Durning, L.E., Sankey, J.B., and Kennedy, T.A., 2023, Insectivorous bat foraging tracks the availability of aquatic flies (Diptera): The Journal of Wildlife Management, e22414, online,
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