Map showing location of mapped submarine landslides off the southern California coast
Detailed Description
Regional land area/bathymetric map including submarine landslides, headwall scarps, and mass wasting zones compiled and mapped offshore of southern California for the study A comprehensive assessment of submarine landslides and mass wasting processes offshore southern California. High-resolution bathymetry (e.g., Dartnell et al., 2015, 2017, 2021) is in color; low-resolution bathymetry is in light grayscale (National Geophysical Data Center, 2012) with the 130 m depth contour noted with a purple line. Abbreviations: WTR—Western Transverse Ranges physiographic province; SB—Santa Barbara; LA—Los Angeles; SD—San Diego; DM—Del Mar; PC—Point Conception; MEX—Mexico; SBB—Santa Barbara Basin; SMB—Santa Monica Basin; GSC—Gulf of Santa Catalina; SCB—Santa Cruz Basin; CB—Catalina Basin; SNB—San Nicolas Basin; SClB—San Clemente Basin; SPB—San Pedro Basin; SCI—Santa Catalina Island; CR—Catalina Ridge; SNI—San Nicolas Island; SClI—San Clemente Island; SCR—San Clemente Ridge; PE—Patton Escarpment. The black boxes approximate the extents of Figures 3-6 (see labeled arrows), which highlight the San Nicolas slide, the Catalina Basin slides, the Del Mar slide, and the San Gabriel slide complex, respectively. Other major slides discussed in the text are also labeled.
Public Domain.