Photo of Vermiculite Attic Insulation from Libby, Montana
Detailed Description
Photo of Vermiculite Attic Insulation from Libby, Montana. Li2UI = Libby sample 2 from University of Idaho. Sample courtesy of Mickey Gunter, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus.
Public Domain.
Using In Situ IR Spectroscopy Measurements of Vermiculite Insulation to Determine Its Origin
The goal of this study was to determine if in situ near-infrared reflectance measurements, using portable spectrometers, could be used to reliably identify the source of vermiculite ore and therefore its potential to contain asbestos. The method developed can be used to determine vermiculite insulation's source and estimate its potential amphibole content, providing low-cost analysis with onsite...
Using In Situ IR Spectroscopy Measurements of Vermiculite Insulation to Determine Its Origin
The goal of this study was to determine if in situ near-infrared reflectance measurements, using portable spectrometers, could be used to reliably identify the source of vermiculite ore and therefore its potential to contain asbestos. The method developed can be used to determine vermiculite insulation's source and estimate its potential amphibole content, providing low-cost analysis with onsite...