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Valentine, Nebraska

Detailed Description

Be mine, Valentine. 

Located in Cherry County, Nebraska, the city was named in Edward K. Valentine's honor in 1882 after he was elected to a second term as a Nebraska Representative in Congress. After an honorable discharge from the Union army, Valentine wore many agricultural policy hats: Register of the General Land Office, US House Chairman of the Agriculture Committee.

Today, the city of Valentine continues to rely on ranching and farming. This false-color image helps assess plant health. Large, dark red circles are center-pivot irrigation fields, which optimize a farmer's yield and water efficiency. Other dark red areas are vegetation along ponds, creeks, and rivers. Farmers use this water to irrigate their crops.

Immediately south of Valentine is the Niobrara River, a tributary of the Missouri River. This wide river is one of America's many National Scenic Rivers. The USFWS and NPS manage a cumulative 76-mile stretch, protecting wildlife and coordinating resource management.

Image was captured by Landsat 8 on July 17, 2022 using Bands 5,4,and 3.


Public Domain.

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