Winter 2019 Newsletter
Science highlights included in this issue are Mobile SuperGage Float Trip, “River stage” does not necessarily
mean “River depth”, Interagency Workshop to Develop Predictive Models for Recreational and Drinking-Water Treatment Plant Sites, Introducing The Next Generation of USGS Water Data for the Nation, and Streamgage Changes to the Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Moni
The full Winter 2019 Newsletter is available for download (click the link text).
Annual Cooperators Meeting - Hold the Date!!
The OKI WSC is planning to host their annual cooperator/scientific workshop on April 18 for its Kentucky Cooperators/Partners and April 23 for its Indiana Cooperators/Partners. You may attend either session or both. A detailed agenda will be sent by email and through our social media outlets. If you’re interested and have not received the information, contact Pete Cinotto for Kentucky at or Jeff Frey for Indiana at
The first Ohio Cooperators/Partners meeting is being planned for 2020 and we welcome our Ohio partners to attend the Indiana or Kentucky meeting if you can.
Mobile SuperGage Float Trip
Employees from the Louisville, KY office tested a new concept for collecting water-quality data during 13 days in Oct–Dec 2018. Called a Mobile SuperGage, the idea consists of mounting continuous water-quality monitors on a moving boat, as opposed to a fixed station location as is typically done in the USGS. The benefit is the ability to collect water-quality data over a large spatial extent.
The float trip started at Ironton, OH, which is a fixed SuperGage site (USGS 03216070) and went downstream on the Ohio River to the confluence with the Mississippi River at Cairo, IL, for a total of 654 river miles.
New real-time data pages released
The USGS is pleased to announce the redesigned real-time data pages on, our flagship Water Data for the Nation website. These pages are being developed with the latest web technology and usability techniques. The new pages can be accessed through an announcement at the top of existing pages.
Employee spotlights in this edition include Hydrologists Neal Craig, Chad Ostheimer, Andy Gorman, Erin Bertke, Tom Ruby, and Tonja Clark, our Administrative Officer.
The full Winter 2019 Newsletter is available for download (PDF file).
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