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Historical remote sensing phenology (RSP) image data and graphics for the conterminous U.S. are made freely available from the USGS/EROS Center.  Five data sets are distributed: CONUS 1 km AVHRR RSP data, Eastern CONUS 250 m eMODIS RSP data, Western CONUS 250 m eMODIS RSP data, Eastern CONUS 375 m eVIIRS RSP data, and Western CONUS 375 m RSP data.

S-NPP 375-m eVIIRS Remote Sensing Phenology Metrics - across the conterminous U.S. (Ver. 2.0, August 2024)

Phenological dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems reflect the response of the Earth's vegetation canopy to changes in climate and hydrology and are thus important to monitor operationally. Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center have developed methods for documenting the seasonal dynamics of vegetation in an operational...

Exotic annual grass (EAG) phenology estimates in the western U.S. rangelands based on 30-m HLS NDVI (ver. 3.0, September 2024)

This data provides locations and technical specifications of legacy and current versions of the United States Wind Turbines database. Almost all of which are utility-scale. Utility-scale turbines are ones that generate power and feed it into the grid, supplying a utility with energy. They are usually much larger than turbines that would feed a homeowner or business. Each release...

Conterminous United States Remote Sensing Phenology Metrics Database

Phenological dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems reflect the response of the Earth's vegetation canopy to changes in climate and hydrology and are thus important to monitor operationally. Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center have developed methods for documenting the seasonal dynamics of vegetation in an operational...
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