An iceberg floating in Lake Superior, June 2014. Photographed from the R/V Kiyi.
Mark Vinson, PhD
Station Chief, Lake Superior Biological Station.
I have studied aquatic plants, invertebrates, and fish from caves, springs, rivers, lakes and wetlands throughout the world. I am comfortable in uncomfortable places. I currently study recruitment dynamics of Lake Superior ciscoes (Bloater, Cisco, and Kiyi). I have a gift for data analytics and a fondness for voguish data graphics.
Professional Experience
1993-2008. Research Assistant Professor. Utah State University.
1988-1992. Hydrologist. U.S. Bureau of Land Management.
Education and Certifications
Ph.D. 1998. Utah State University.
M.S. 1988. Idaho State University.
B.S. 1986. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Science and Products
Data releases by this scientist
Lake Superior Kiyi scale and otolith age estimates in 2014 with Kiyi sampling locations from 2003-2014
Multimedia related to this scientist
An iceberg floating in Lake Superior, June 2014. Photographed from the R/V Kiyi.
Publications by this scientist
Status and trends in the Lake Superior fish community, 2023
Status and trends in the Lake Superior fish community, 2022
Status and trends in the Lake Superior fish community, 2020
Status and trends in the Lake Superior fish community, 2021
Lake Superior Kiyi reproductive biology
Subindicator: Native Prey Fish Diversity
Effects of warming winter embryo incubation temperatures on larval cisco (Coregonus artedi) survival, growth, and critical thermal maximum
Lake Ontario cisco population dynamics based on long-term surveys
Genomics reveals identity, phenology and population demographics of larval ciscoes (Coregonus artedi, C. hoyi, and C. kiyi) in the Apostle Islands, Lake Superior
Quantifying status and trends from monitoring surveys: Application to Pygmy Whitefish (Prosopium coulterii) in Lake Superior
Distribution, abundance and spatial variability of microplastic pollution on the surface of Lake Superior
Shining a light on Laurentian Great Lakes cisco (Coregonus artedi): How ice coverage may impact embryonic development
Science and Products
Data releases by this scientist
Lake Superior Kiyi scale and otolith age estimates in 2014 with Kiyi sampling locations from 2003-2014
Multimedia related to this scientist
An iceberg floating in Lake Superior, June 2014. Photographed from the R/V Kiyi.
An iceberg floating in Lake Superior, June 2014. Photographed from the R/V Kiyi.
Publications by this scientist