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Affectionately known as “The Old SEM” the JEOL 5800 has been with the USGS in Denver for almost 30 years.  

This SEM is equipped with secondary and backscattered electron imaging detectors, a Thermo Noran 10 mm2 silicon drift detector with System Seven software, and a K.E Developments panchromatic cathodoluminescence detector.  This instrument is capable of qualitative chemical analysis for mineral identification, elemental mapping, and particle analysis.

CL Image of Zircon from Southern Missouri
CL Image taken on the JEOL 5800 LV of Zircon from Southern Missouri. Zircon is mounted in epoxy.  (Public domain.)

This machine is the powerhouse in the lab for acquiring cathodoluminescence images. These images aid in observing growth cycles of minerals such as zircon.

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