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Kentucky Sediment Laboratory

The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory (KSL) is located in Louisville, Kentucky. The lab processes and analyzes fluvial-sediment samples for concentration of sand and finer material. These services have been provided to USGS Programs and Centers across the nation for over 20 years.

The specific objectives of the KSL include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing quality sediment analytical services to USGS programs and projects;
  • working with other government agencies and academic institutions to add information and value to their respective programs; and
  • continually improving our knowledge of the state of the science and developing new techniques and methods to help address our cooperator’s needs.



USGS KY sediment lab - Kyle and Elisabeth
Kyle Barnett and Elisabeth Hernandez analyzing sediment samples using the sand/fine break method
Sieves determine the sand size class of sediment samples
Sieves determine the sand size class of sediment samples, 0.250mm and 0.063mm steel mesh are used. 
USGS Kentucky Sediment Laboratory oven full of filtration crucibles to be dried
The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's oven full of filtration crucibles to be dried. After baking, the crucibles are placed in a desiccator box to cool. 
USGS Sediment Lab - weighing crucibles to capture their tare weights before sample is added
Sediment lab employee Logan Young weighing crucibles to capture their tare weights before sample is added
USGS KY Sediment Lab - sample storage space
The Kentucky Sediment Laboratory's sample storage space, samples are stored in a temperature and light controlled environment.
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