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Histopathology - Plate 5 - Figures 13-15 PDF Format

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Histopathology - Plate 5 - Figures 13-15 PDF Format

  • Figure 13: Trypanoplasma (Cryptobia) salmositica, a hemoflagellate, in peripheral blood smear of a young rainbow trout. Note prominent basophilic kinetoplast. Leishman-Giemsa stain. X4000. (Courtesy of C. D. Becker). 5250w x 3493h (72 dpi). 72.917 in. x 48.514 in.
  • Figure 14: T. salmositica in the gill blood vessels of an infected steelhead, O. mykiss (arrows). M-G G stain. X800. 5166w x 3472h (72 dpi). 71.75 in. x 48.222 in.
  • Figure 15: T. salmositica with prominent kinetoplasts (arrows) in the central vein of the liver of a fingerling Chinook salmon. M-G G stain. X800. 5166w x 3493h (72 dpi). 71.75 in. x 48.514 in.


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