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2018 Camp Fire in Paradise, California Seen Through LCMAP Products

Detailed Description

This graphic shows Landsat and Land Change Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (LCMAP) post-fire images from Collection 1.1, with the fire boundary shown in yellow. Left: Landsat Analysis Ready Data acquired Dec 26, 2021, shown as a false color composite using short-wave infrared, near infrared, and red bands (Bands 6,5,4). The burn scar shows as a reddish brown. Middle: The Collection 1.1 LCMAP Annual Land Cover Change product shows land cover classification changes in purple. Right: The Collection 1.1 LCMAP Change Magnitude product shows the intensity of a time series model break (when spectral observations have diverged from the predicted values). Note that a spectral break that shows up in Change Magnitude does not necessarily correspond to a change in land cover. 


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