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2020 Visitor Spending Effects Infographic

2021 (approx.)

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Information from the 2020 Visitor Spending Effects in National Parks Economics Report:

  • Intro text: "In 2020, visitors secured lodging, bought food, and purchased gear for trips to some of America's most iconic landscapes. Visitor spending effects demonstrate the importance of national parks to the country's economy"
  • Three key figures from the report: "237 million visits made to National Park sites in 2020", "$14.5 billion spent by visitors in communities near parks", and "234,000 jobs supported by visitor spending"
  • Top three sectors impacted by visitor spending: Lodging, with $5 billion spent supporting 43,100 jobs; Restaurants, with $3 billion spent, supporting 45,900 jobs; Gas, with $1.6 billion spent supporting 2,950 jobs. 
  • Map of the United States, titled "423 National Park Sites". Blue Ridge Parkway is denoted on the map, where 14.1 million visitors spent an estimated $1.1 billion. Golden Gate National Recreational Area is also denoted, where 12.4 million visitors spent an estimated $685 million. 
  • Most visited parks in 2020 included Blue Ridge Parkway, Golden Gate National Recreational Area, and the Great Smoky Mountains. 


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