Andrena macra, f, face, Kent County MD

Detailed Description
Andrena macra, a southern bee that just barely makes its way to Maryland. Seems to like to aggregate nests in sandy areas and create small colonies, although colonies are probably a poor word choice, perhaps more likely they just like to nest near one another. Teacher-wise, I recognize the species by the high pit density on the abdomen, many pits appear to touch each other. And by the notably kinked tibial spur. And there you have it, next time someone wants to know how to identify the species you are empowered. Photography by Brooke Goggins. Photography Information: Canon Mark II 5D, Zerene Stacker, Stackshot Sled, 65mm Canon MP-E 1-5X macro lens, Twin Macro Flash in Styrofoam Cooler, F5.0, ISO 100, Shutter Speed 200, USGSBIML Photoshopping Technique: Note that we now have added using the burn tool at 50% opacity set to shadows to clean up the halos that bleed into the black background from "hot" color sections of the picture.
Public Domain.